Chapter 21

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Aether had a smile glued in his face as he continued to embrace the Archon.

"But then again.."

He raised his head, flinching as he released a rather small gasp. Aether moved away from the said Archon, his hands slightly trembled at next bundle of words.

"I am really disappointed in you.."

Danafor spoke, his voice cold as ice as his sharp golden orbs pierced through Aether's scared ones.

"F-father..I.." Aether tried to reason but he was only met with Danafor raising his hand, as a signal for him to stop talking. "Enough..Leave at once." He spoke coldly.

Danafor tilted his head towards Hubert who was standing by the door.

"Please escort him out of the castle.." Hubert nodded as he did what he was told.

"F-father please..!" Aether begged but he silenced himself when he recieved a sharp glare.

Hubert placed a hand on the said traveler's shoulder and gave him a sad smile. "Lets go..We shall not anger the Lord any furthur.." Hubert whispered.

The Archon of Light took it as a cue and turned his back towards the two males. Authority screamed through his walks before stopping mid way.

"From now on.." Danafor started.

"Your existince within this Nation is permanently banned." He finished.

These words broke Aether to pieces. His gold eyes shaked as he emitted small sobs.

He couldnt believe it..He, banished from his second home?
P E R M A N E N T L Y..?

He quickly looked up when a familiar hand placed itself on top of his hair.

There Danafor gave him a sad smile, but he knew his father all too well..

As much as Danafor hated to be separated to someone he cherishes, he must do this..

That smile held so much emotion, waiting to be spilled.

"It must be done, Aether..Im sorry.."

His eyes screamed loneliness..


Anger to himself..

Aether can see it in him that Danafor didnt want to banish him from this nation. Not now, not ever.

"Father..P-please..You dont have to do this.." Aether whispered, his heart beating fast yet it held extreme sadness within them..

He didnt want to be separated by Danafor. An Archon who welcomed them to their nation freely, despite his rebellion and hatred towards them.

He doesnt want to be separated.

Not when he was already trying to fight through his dignity and his plans.

Not when he was yet to reunite with his sister, Lumine..Not now!

A tear escaped from Danafor's eyes which shocked Aether to the core.

"Forgive me, son.."

His words hurt. It hurts. It felt like knives piercing through the Abyss Leader's heart.

"You are not safe here in Ataraxia.."

Aether sobbed hysterically as he tried to reach out for the said Archon, only to realize that Hubert has been dragging him out of the yard..

"N-no..No please!" Aether begged.

"Not when Ataraxia is under the threat of my own brother.."

His eyes widened at the last sentence he spoke before the doors of the castle closed.

Aether stood there silent. No words can explain how much pain he felt.

But yet, he felt angry.

Ataraxia under the threat of his Father's brother..?

That clicked.

"The tyranny that happened in Ataraxia.." he whispered.

"All the suffering Ataraxia has been through, during your slumber.." he continued.

" Two Gods ruled Ataraxia..Yet envy broke their relationship together.." Aether's fist formed into a ball.

"One strayed away from the path of Solidarity..And became the Tyrant ruler of Ataraxia during your slumber.." Aether grit his teeth, anger flashing in his eyes.

Aether turned his head as he saw the portal back to the Spiral Abyss.

He walked towards it with anger in every stride he took.

"You broke the people of Ataraxia.." he muttered angrily.

"Despair hidden within the warm facade of this nation.."

"You were behind all the pain they have been through..Wasnt it.?"

Arriving back at the Spiral Abyss, he was met by the presence of the Abyss Herald and a few Abyss Mages who bowed down to his presence.

"It was you all along.."

"Sir Rhysand..The Sustainer of Darkness" he said angrily.


Danafor sighs as he slumps onto his comfy bed.

Thoughts racing through his head as he reminisced the words he had just spoken to the Abyss Leader.

He grits his teeth in frustration, as he tugs into his black locks of hair.

"Quite the bold move, dear brother.." he started.

"But your movements will always be seen within the presence of light.." Danafor stood up as his gold eyes trailed towards the broken-hearted Aether who entered the portal back to the Spiral Abyss.

His eyes screamed guilt, he didnt want to make Aether suffer. He's already been separated from his sister.

Witness the fall of Khaenri'ah..And now..

He was banished from Ataraxia permanently.

"Worry you shall not, child..Once everything is settled, I will greet you with open arms once more.."he smiled through the pain.

"I will be there to stop you in your future plans..And live like a normal boy that you deserve to be. Along with your sister, Lumine.."

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