Chapter 22

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This was it..The day where he will bring every living being bow down in fear and submission.

Rhysand smirked wickedly, as his silver eyes were tainted with nothing but evil within them.

He will be sure to stike the hearts of Ataraxia's people with pure despair.

The thought of him overthrowing the land he and his brother once ruled together gave him more motive to strive foreward within his plans and trap Teyvat into a mass of eternal darkness.

"Everything is settled, just as you wished, Your Highness.." Calius spoke in profession earning a hum from the latter.

"Excellent job, Calius" he said.

Rhysand lifted his head as a dark chuckle escaped his lips. "We will overthrow Ataraxia once again. And drown them in their own shattered dreams and despair!" and with that he laughed loudly.

Calius slightly smirked. "Shall we begin, Your Highness?"

Rhysand nods his head, calming down from his delusional state.


The towns in Ataraxia were flooded by people as usual.

Oh how their innocent souls would be ruined not to long from now.

Danafor stood in the balcony of his premises. Watching in amusement as his people were doing their usual routines.

Children running around the borders that separated the town of Ataraxia and the Ataraxian Castle.

He had his moment of solitude at its finest.

Until it was cut off with screams of fear.

Danafor's gold eyes snapped open as he heard an explosion in the left side of the Nation. His eyes darkened.

Just as he was about to check out the rucus, Hubert came rushing in.

"My Lord!" Hubert called as the said Archon turned around.

"I heard an explosion. May I know what is happening?" Danafor asked his eyes darkened dangerously.

"Its him..Your brother..He's leading an ambush to Ataraxia!" Hubert spats out.

The Lucian Archon's eyes widened.

"Hubert, I grant you permission to use your power at its full extent. Use them to protect the people" Danafor instructed making the assistant nod.

"But what about your brother..?" He trailed as the Archon sighed.

"This is a fight for both me and my brother. It is bound to happen."he started.

"Now go!" Without any furthur words, Hubert immediatly used his prowess and teleported out of the castle.

As the assistant arrived, some of the houses in the town had already been burned down. The people running away in fear, some parents taking their children to safety.

The Ataraxian Empire taking full charge of invaders.

"Evacuate immediatly! My Lord has intructed to move foreward to the Ataraxian Castle!" Hubert announced loudly enough for everyone to hear.

As said, the townspeople ran for their lives to the gates of the Ataraxian Castle.

"Well well well..Who do we have here.." Hubert turned around, his green orbs widened.

His body trembled when he saw the person infront of him.

"Dont you miss me, Hubert?" The man spoke.

"Calius..How..Why are you doing this?" He spoke earning a slight hum from Calius.

"Unlike you, I have dreams of my own that requires the guidance of the Sustainer of Darkness.." Calius continued.

"Your nothing but a weak being, dear brother..You follow a God who only wants Solidarity to his Nation." Calius sneered angrily.

"Calius! Stop this! All my sacrifices of searching for you, yet this..Please..It doesnt have to be like this!" Hubert begged as tears bubbled in the corners of his eyes.

The tears made Calius wince but at the same time he felt disgusted.

"Attack!" Calius shouted.

As for Danafor, he stood there calmly as his brother levitated just above him.

"We meet again, dear brother" Danafor greeted earning a growl from the said latter.

"Do not call me that. You've lost that title the moment I've succumb myself into a stronger being." Rhysand sneered with a smirk decorated in his face.

"Very well..It seems that you had no change so far.."the Lucian Archon continued.

"Your still weak" he muttered.

This made Rhysand angry as he summoned his sword as made a slash of pure darkness towards Danafor.

Danafor merely raised a barrier that protected him from the attack.

"Fight me you bastard! Once I get my hands on Ataraxia, I will shatter their dreams worse than before!" Rhysand shouted with a crazy laugh escaping his lips.

Danafor's eyes narrowed as he brought out his hand, his flute appearing.

"Im not so sure about that.." Danafor said.

"Rhysand..I will get you back. Even if it means losing to you and dying in cold blood." He continued.

Rhysand groaned in frustration." Here you are again..Worthless wishes." He glared.

"I will make you surrender. And give up everything for me to fill with despair!"


Venti hums a tune as he sat atop the hand of the statue.

He just finished his bard duties and is now taking his break as he watched the sun setting.

His thoughts where cut off when the ground slightly shaked making him open his aqua orbs.

He released a quiet gasp as a strong wave of a sonic boom errupted in the skies.

This startled the people aswell as the Knights of Favonius.

Venti narrowed his eyes

"What's going on..?"


The Ataraxian Empire;
An army of elite soldiers from the Nation of Solidarity that are hand-picked by the Lucian Archon himself.

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