
188 5 0

relashionship status: dating for a year


y/n pov

i was writing on my vinnie book whilst vinnie was streaming. the usual right? i was writing a very smutty chapter. like wet panties chapter. everyone could see me in the back of the stream since vin was just talking and not playing. the comments where going through so fast. i took a break from my phone and put it facedown and sat down on vinnies lap and layed on top of him. i scrolled a bit up to see the old comments so they would freeze.

they some would say:

"why is she looking at her phone like that"
"she types so fast omg"
"y/n's been typing forever who is she talking to"
"is she writing a writing a wattpad story?"
"i think she's writing a wattpad story"

(comments ended)

i made an "o" shape with me mouth.

they were right.

"guys imma hop off and go to bed" vinnie said to the camera

he ended the live, picked my up and layed me down on the bed next to him.

"babe can you get me phone please?" i asked him

he picked it up and flipped it over to reveal what was on your screen and his mouth dropped. "y/n" he said surprised "what the fuck is this?" god.

why did i have leave it open? ugh. "uhm it's my wattpad story " i said trying to act nonchalant. "he fucked me with his large len-" i stopped him right there. "okay okay it's a smut book" i confessed. "why are you writing this?" he asked still reading. "VINNIE??" he read out loud. double fuck. "y/n is this book about me?" "yes but don't be mad because it's a different name not mine" i tried to cover up the fact that i'm literally posting my sex life with him. he layed down right next to me. he kept reading. he just sat there reading. no talking. "vinnie i want you to know that i started writing this book before i started dating you." i said. "how are you such a good writer?" he said calmly. wait? he was calm? i figured he would kill me if he found the book. "uh thanks i guess. but your not mad?" "no, but why do you post about me?" "because i started writing this book because i had the biggest crush on you then i set a goal to make it to 150 parts of it and i'm almost there i have 7 left so i still write" i poured all the details out. "wait, you have made 143 sex chapters about me? god how horny can you get?" he replied. and when i tell you i almost peed my pants of laughter i mean it. "i'm not that horny i promise" i replied. i grabbed my phone from him. "hey i was on a good part" he whined. "dude i don't think you want to be reading this" i looked him in the eyes. "just let me see what happens after you and me have sex" he said taking my phone back. "no i didn't finish that part yet dumbass" "oh" he exclaimed. "babe?" he said. "yes love?" i said editing the story after vinnie put my name in every y/n space. good thing i saw it. "do you read books about me?" i litterally had no clue how to answer that question. "i mean i have to get ideas somehow" he jumped up when he heard this. "you you read books about me! ha i knew it you weirdo everyone in my comments are right!"



i had no clue how to end this

like actually i need tips on how to be a better writer

and i need suggestions 😃🔫 like i'm dying over here people

i made a new book but it's very vanilla ifykyk

go read it please!!

word count: 660

luh yall


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