Part 7 ~ The unexpected

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The Chinese man ran and ran with Kiku in his arms.


Yao couldn't bear the sound of those horrible barbarians chasing after them now. With all of the running and searching he did the other day, his legs were getting tired, until he couldn't run anymore and fell to the cold, green grass.


~"Aiyaa!!" Yao let out when he hit the ground


-"Gah!!" Kiku shouted and also fell, he hit his shoulder against the ground when Yao let go of him when he fell.


Kiku sniffed and rubbed his shoulder, he was feeling a sharp pain on it, as if he hit something pointy that was in the grass. He couldn't endure the small pain on his shoulder, which felt stronger because he is just a child, and close his eyes shut while sobbing was going up his throat.


Yao saw this and immediately sat up to check on Kiku.


~"K-Kiku!!! I'm so sorry aru!" But Yao should keep the apologies for later, there were armed men after them right now.


Yao took a little time to look at Kiku's shoulder, aha, the source of the pain was found!

Kiku hit a sharp pebble when his shoulder slammed against the ground, the Chinese man took it out with a small effort. The shoulder didn't bleed, it was only a pebble.


The two got up on their feet to continue their running, Yao carrying Kiku again to not be slowed down.


All of a sudden


Yao felt a...sting...on his stomach. He was aware of it when his little brother gasped and cried.


-"YAO! Your stomach!! T-there is a-a..." Kiku told his big brother


When Yao stopped and settled Kiku down, exactly when he bend down to do so, the sting got worse, and Yao cringed.


He didn't notice an arrow went through his back


~"S-stupid barbarians aru...I-I will get them some day aru...Agh...." Yao tried to pull the arrow out of him. He cannot run now, the pain refuses to let him stand up.


Kiku's eyes widened and shook Yao a little


-"Y-Yao, big brother...we need to keep going...those scary men are on their way here-" Kiku was cut off as one of the barbarians grabbed him by surprise.


~"KIKU ARU!!! LET KIKU GO!! G-gah...." Yao pressed on his bleeding stomach after the arrow was thrown away.


He saw how the barbarian grabbed Kiku by his Japanese clothes, his other shoe fell off. The small child cried in fear after he saw another one of the intruders catch up, he was holding a sword and walking towards the direction to the Japanese child. Kiku struggled and struggled.


-"Y-Yao...Y-Yao...wake up"


~"W-what aru?!" Yao felt everything was starting to go blank


-"Wake up" Kiku's voice ringed through the Chinese man's ears


Yao sat up and inhaled deeply, breathing heavily after everything went blank in...a dream? Was he sleeping? He looked around in a hurry to find Kiku, tears making their way down his cheeks. When he saw his little brother standing next to him, he embraced the child into a hug. A big, warm hug.

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