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Another Person’s POV

Jongsuk was waiting for his mom in airport. He didn’t bring Kimmon with him. He wants kimmon to take enough rest before get back to his shoots and doing few more rounds in bathroom didn’t helped a bit.

He wave at his mom. She’s dragging her luggage with her. Jongsuk quickly went to hug her. She hugs him back and said.

“You come alone. Where’s my son-in-law ?” She asked with a frown. Jongsuk roll his eyes and said.

“Eomma, I’m your son is right here and you’re asking about Kim first than me.” She smacks Jongsuk head and reply.

“I saw your stupid face since the day you born moron. I want to see my son-in-law first time. Why didn’t you bring him ?” Jongsuk pout at his mother’s remark. He clearly understood, who’s his Eomma favorite now.

“We come from beach today morning and he needs some rest to before staring his shoot.” He said. She nods and gave her luggage to him to carry. They both went to car and drive back to Kimmon’s apartment. 


Kimmon open the door nervously and look at Jongsuk with a luggage in his hand. He tried to take luggage for him but Jongsuk denied and get inside.

“Where’s your Eomma ?” Kimmon asked. Jongsuk put luggage on floor and wrap his arms around Kimmon. He peck his hair and said.

“She’s talking with your Mae. She’ll come after talking to her. Don’t worry, She loves you.” Jongsuk assure him. Kimmon smile and rest his head on Jongsuk shoulder.

"Why are you not resting in your room like I told you ? You still have fever Kim.” Jongsuk said worriedly. Kimmon smile and reply.

“I’m feeling much better now and someone had to prepare dinner too. I can’t order from restaurant for my mother-in-law. What will she think about me ?” Jongsuk frown and make Kimmon sit on sofa.

“Kim but your health matters most. You had shoot tomorrow and we have to shop for wedding too. I don’t want you to get tired and more sick.” Jongsuk said.


Kimmon quickly turned to look at his mother-in-law standing on door way with a banquet. Kimmon stood quickly and walk to her.

“Annyeong Haseyo Eomma. I’m really sorry, I couldn’t come to pick you. Jongsuk didn’t let me to come with him. I prepare your all favorite food. Why I’m blabbering so much ?” Kimmon said nervously. She chuckle and ruffle his hair gently. Kimmon eyes blink when she pecks his forehead.

“You’re just like how Jongsuk describe me in phone. I feel so lucky to have you as my son-in-law. Thanks for accepting this moron your husband Kim.” Kimmon blush from her words and hugs her.

“I’m your Eomma just like Jongsuk. Don’t try to be hard on yourself to impress me. Kids doesn’t need to impress their mother.” She said. Kimmon nods and smile.

Jongsuk stare them from far. His mom knows very well how to assure someone from her warm words. He sense the insecurities in Kimmon’s mind for his family and He had a good talk with his mom about Kimmon.

She assured him that she’ll doesn’t make Kimmon feel any less and he knows that his mom likes Kimmon more than her own son.

Lee’s POV

“Okay, now shall we eat ? Because I’m really hungry and Eomma I’m telling you, Kimmon cook very tasty Korean food.” I praise my soon to be husband.

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