20: Interrogation and being drugged.

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Y/n's pov

The Russian guards grabbed us and pulled us up, leading us out of the room and down the hall. They tied our hands up and led us each into separate rooms.

I sat on a metal bench in the small room.

They must have gone to Steve first, because I heard familiar yelling and a series of thuds.

I started to hyperventilate as the realization of our situation set in.

Steve, Robin and I were being held hostage in a secret Russian bunker while My boyfriend and my best friend's ten year old sister were trying to find a way out, crawling through vents to go find help. We would probably be interrogated and tortured to tell the Russians information and possibly drugged. I'm only fourteen. I really don't want to die at this moment in time.

I jumped as the door opened, a Russian man wearing a green uniform and hat with a bunch of badges and medals stood in front of me. He looked like he was probably the one in charge of all the others.

(I'm just gonna call him 'the interrogator')

The man standing next to the interrogator was big and muscular, almost twice as tall as the interrogator. He stood calmly beside the interrogator.

(I'm gonna call him 'the assistant')

The interrogator leaned down to my level and surprisingly spoke fluently in English.

"Who are you?" The interrogator asked sharply.

When I didn't answer, he moved on to the next question.

"Who do you work for?" He asked.

"Uh-no one." I said.

"Who. Do. You. Work. For?" He asked slowly but intimidatingly.

"No one! I don't even have a summer job yet! Um, sometimes I babysit for the Blackburn's and occasionally the Mitchell's but I don't really-" my sentence was cut short by the assistant slapping me across the face.

I winced and the interrogator stood there like he didn't know what to expect when the assistant hit a girl.

I stared back at him, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Who do you work for?!" He asked again.

"No one! For god's sake! What do you not understand! I'm only fourteen years old! I don't have a job! How many times do I have to say it?!" I yelled.

I was rewarded with a punch to the gut and another slap from the assistant.

I wheezed and coughed up some blood, my eyes watering slightly.

I spat it onto the ground.

"Gee, thanks a lot." I deadpanned.

The interrogator stared at me in surprise for a second, before shaking it off.

The interrogator nodded to the assistant and he pulled me from the bench and dragged me all the way down the hall and into another, larger room.

Another two doors opened, and two more assistants threw Robin and Steve into the room.

Robin looked bad, but Steve was very bloody, and apparently unconscious.

"Y/n! Oh- are you okay!?" Robin asked, panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but Steve doesn't look so good." I stated.

Robin turned around and shook Steve. "Steve? Steve! What did you do to him?! What did you do?!?" Robin yelled.

The interrogator backhanded her across the face and she fell to the floor once more.

"Put them in the chairs." The interrogator ordered the assistants.

What do you think? I think you're an idiot. (Dustin Henderson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now