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Rianna's POV

Swish, swish.

Back and forth the windscreen wipers swiped, as I drove my car through this abysmal storm.

The skies rumbled as I gripped furiously onto the wheel.

This weather did no help in adding to the fact that I was late for my job interview today.

There had to be some fucking idiot on the road holding up all the traffic, and I just had to be stuck in it.

Was there even a point in showing up to the interview I was forty minutes late for?


Beep, beep.

A frustrated sigh escaped from my mouth.

Great, this old piece of junk has finally decided to give up on me.

Couldn't it at least have waited 'til I got back?

I pulled over while gritting my teeth, then tapped the wheel in sync with the windscreen wipers.

My tongue rolled around in my mouth while I thought of what to do.

Luckily, I had taken down the phone numbers of some car mechanics on my way here.

I knew something like this was bound to happen.

I dialled the first number, zilch.

I dialled the second number - it called, but no one answered.

Third time lucky?

I typed in the last number and waited patiently for someone to pick up.

After a few rings, someone did.

I waited miserably until the man who was on the phone tolled my car to his mechanic shop.

We sped-walked into the warm building, in order to escape the torrential downpour.

Unfortunately, the walk from my tolled car into the mechanics was enough to drench me.

I glanced up at the rusty old clock on the wall. It was almost 9pm.

"Hey missy, you're lucky you called when you did. We usually close at 9 but for you, I'm willing to make an exception." The man walked over to pull up the garage door in order to bring my car inside.

"Th-thank you s-so much."

He turned to face me, noticing my shivers as I rubbed my arms in attempt to warm up.

"Jeon!" He motioned over to a boy with jet black hair, split lazily in a middle parting.

I hadn't even noticed that he was here, but he was huddled in the back next to some tools.

He trudged over in his beaten up timberlands while rolling up the sleeves of his grey overalls, folding them around his upper arms.

"What? I'm just about to close up shop." His groggy voice moaned.

I couldn't help but notice the tenseness of his biceps.

Wait...what am I thinking?

He's clearly a year or two younger than me, but he is kind of...hot.

The older man rattled the keys in his pocket before holding them up "No you're not, I am. You gotta help this little lady out with her car."

His cold brown eyes fell on me "What? No way, my shift has ended." He turned away from us, heading for the door.

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