Eri's meeting with kota

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It has been a few days after the big celebration of momo having twins and izuku becoming a pro hero so now lets begin.

It was in the afternoon when izuku midoriya received a call from mr aizawa saying the wild wild pussycats will be visiting with kota in the late afternoon as he said alright before telling the class that they will expecting guest and momo surprisingly already knew about it as she ran into mandalay also known as shino sosaki while walking to the store to get some things while izuku was doing his new job as a pro hero.Momo and mandalay they had a long conversation before giving each other their numbers to have a play date between kota and eri they had a feeling the two of them would get along especially when talking about their fav hero deku.

After telling the class about the guest the class proceeded to clean the dorms to make it neat and tidy with momo saying to izuku 'hey izu actually i know who the guest are' they made izuku shocked and ask. 'how do you know momo?' as momo proceeded to tell him about her running into mandalay to switching their phone numbers to arrange a play date between eri and kota.This made izuku chuckle knowing they would get along since both of them are the same age.

It was 5.00pm as they saw mr aizawa walking in with the guest who were the wild wild pussy cats and kota which the class then welcomed them and kota who wasn't shy but instead as he saw izuku he ran to him and hugged his leg saying 'hello deku it has been awhile' as izuku smiled saying 'it has been awhile how are you' as mandalay went and said 'ever since you saved him from muscular he was very grateful for what you did and look' as she pointed out kota's shoe which were red and looked similar to izuku's old red shoes.This made kota blush from embarrassment as he then noticed a girl with white hair , red eyes and a small horn holding momo's hand as he asked izuku 'mr deku who is she' as he pointed to eri as he said 'it is my daughter eri i saved her from a villain named overhaul and i adopted her and the women you see holding her hand it is my girlfriend momo and please call me izuku' he smiled and kota nodded as he walked to eri and momo saying'hello momo' as she said 'hello kota as she smiled before continuing as he said'hello eri i am kota i was saved by your papa too i hope we can be friends' as eri she didn't had friend the same age as her so she was very happy as she hugged kota saying 'OF COURSE LET"S BE FRIENDS' as kota blushed from embarrassment but hugged her back.

This made momo and mandalay look at each other and said 'they are definitely getting together in the future' as everyone heard and smiled looking at the wholesome sight mr aizawa surprisingly smiled before saying 'well the wild wild pussycat's will be staying here for awhile as their headquarters are getting a upgrade' as everyone nodded and ragdoll who lost her quirk during the training camp got her quirk back after momo made an exact copy of her old quirk as she thanked her as momo also gave the wild wild pussy cat's and kota(who will also unlock it after mastering his quirk) the quirks that i had said in the previous chapter.

Everyone later had dinner which was made by the boys in the class(and yes mineta helped too as he grew to 5'5 ever since he changed for the better) after dinner kota and eri then went to play at eri's room who had lots of toys and mainly them talking about their favourite hero deku while the wild wild pussycats were talking with the rest of the class with mandalay talking to momo as momo then told her 'well shino actually im pregnant with twins' this made her shocked and said 'REALLY HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU' as momo chuckle and said 'about 2 weeks ' this made shino happy for her friend she didn't ask ho she found out so early as she knew momo probably made a quirk to do so as they then proceeded to tell the rest of the wild wild pussy cat's who congratulated them.

Everyone was wondering where izuku went so they went to the family's dorm room only to see izuku playing with kota and eri this made everyone smile seeing such a wholesome sight.Kota and eri had a amazing day during the time they played together eri even pointed out the horn on kota's hat and the one on her head this made him blush but when he touched her horn eri felt a warm feeling well she thought maybe it is something similar to what her mama and papa felt but will wait till when she is older to see if she was right since momo and izuku said no dating too young maybe when she is 15 or 16 they would be alright but either way she is glad to have made a friend who also admired her papa for saving them and kota even said to eri as eri told kota her quirk and ask if it was a curse although she got passed it she wanted to see if he really cared and kota said 'no it isn't you your quirk can help people and save them it is not a curse' as eri hugged kota saying ' thankyou ' crying tears of joy and everyone was shocked hearing something so mature from kota but smiled and teared up hearing they he told eri her quirk wasn't a curse.

Awhile after everyone went to bed, the wild wild pussy cat's stayed in the extra rooms that were in momo and izuku's dorm with kota sharing with eri since both of them feel asleep with eri on top of kota.This made momo and mandalay mumble to each other about weather eri and kota will get together but everyone said they probably will,they smiled before proceeding back to their dorms.

Kota who before he fell asleep he felt the same warm feeling eri had and was told the same thing by mandalay that momo and izuku said to eri.He just said to himself 'I will protect you eri i won't let other treat you badly and say your quirk is a curse i hope to see you smile more and we continue to be friends and maybe something more in the future' as he smiled before falling asleep to sleep.

Eri who woke up for a short while looking at a sleeping kota as she thought to herself 'Kota was my first friend and someone who had a similar experience from suffering from a villain to being saved by deku but most of all he also told told that my quirk wasn't a curse.I am happy to have him as my first friend i hope to make more but i hope to have a stronger and closer bond with you in the future' as she smiled before falling asleep again.

Yes guess eri and kota will be together in the timeskip chapter this is just a spoiler or a hint i don't know but yea you will see eri and kota together too.Also if you guys would like to see ships like bakuocha,kirimina or even a small backstory of iidamei and shotocamie or even inko with all might(shoto's secret love child claim will go crazy) or even eraserjoke so please say it in the comments and i will try my best

Anyways sorry for making this chapter shorter than the previous one but i hope you enjoyed see you next time on the next chapter Thankyou.

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