49. lecture (last)

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"Y/n? can we enter?"

no respond.

They all sigh and entered the dark and gloomy room. Y/n didn't cry anymore. Instead hugging her pillow while admiring the blank ceiling.

Each the boys sat at the end of the bed. Some sat on the couch and the remaining would stand.


"Leave me alone...."

"Y/n listen. We've been leaving you alone for more than four days now. We're worried."

"Y/n, it's okay to be sad. But it's not to continue being like this. You're still alive and nothing will change if you don't"

"I hate myself. It's not okay. I should be dead. I deserve to die. There's so many people die because of me. It's not fair that I'm alive. I have no one anymore. My father is dead. My whole family.. is gone."

"Y/n. what about us? we're here too. We're your brothers! Blood related or not. You think you are better off dead than what about what we think? You think you will be happy after that what about us? We have feelings too. Y/n, forget about what you have lost. Instead, focus on what you have now and move on. Neither of us had the power to turn back time and changed the past. we all do mistake and we all ashamed of it. So you just have to live with it and learn from your mistake. Regret wont bring you anywhere. what am i writing? You're not alone Y/n. Look around. Please know that we're always here for you."

imagine being lectured by them...

Y/n wanted to cry. First because she's scared but then she realised they were right. She felt a pang in her heart realising she was wrong the whole time. There were people who still wants her. She still have her family with her. Her brothers. And her dad.

She got up and hugged one of them that's standing near her. "I'm sorry. You're right. I still have you. I still have all of you. I'm sorry. I love you oppa." She sobbed. "I love you so much.. please don't leave me..." She cried louder. "I don't want to be alone."

BTS let out their tears fall this time. They don't care how ugly they look, or that they're mafias. This is their sister, the one who made them turn soft. The one they wanted to protect the most. Their ball of sunshine. Their princess.

"You're never alone. We promise we will never leave you again. We're sorry too."

They hugged each other and they all cried to sleep. 


i dont know how to write endings..

After that night, things been getting better. Y/n's now closer with her brothers. BTS would rarely go on missions and spend more time at home. Y/n even opened up about the bullying at school and it made her feel better.

But not for her brothers. They don't want to make Y/n sad so they just expelled them.... with a warning.

Now everyone in school knows Y/n is BTS's sister so no one would harm her. It's still hard for her to find friends but she still manage to have some.

Life is pretty great once you focus on the future, bringing the past as your life lesson. im not good at this. Don't think you have failed once you fall. Sometimes you need to fall 100th times before you meet success. 

keep moving forward. srsly i dont know what im writing.


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