Chapter One

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^Dakota's truck

~Blake's POV~

"Blake Conrad, get your ass downstairs right now!" My mom yells from the kitchen, and when she says ass, man do I know I'm in trouble.

I slink down the stairs and face her. While I may be muscular and 6'4, you do not want to mess with my 5'3 petite little mom. That woman packs a slap like no other, and her skills when she has a wet towel? Clear the fucking house.

"No ma'am."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I don't see why its so damn important for me to go live with my father when he hasn't been a part of my life for the past sixteen years!"

"Don't you raise your voice at me."

"Sorry ma'am." 

"Go upstairs and finish packing. We're leaving in an hour. I love you."

"Love you too mom." I go back upstairs and empty my drawers into a couple suitcases with a scowl on my face. The last thing I wanted to do senior year was live with my dad in Three Rivers.

But then again I really didn't have a choice.

~Dakota's POV~

I fiddle with my hands as I wait for him at the airport. We spent the whole summer apart I just hope it's like time never passed.

As expected, I get the strangest looks from folks. I mean as it is kinda unusual to see some girl in a greasy ball cap, untucked shirt, dusty boots, and mud smeared jeans standing in the middle of a posh airport.

Right before I spot him, my eyes catch a glimpse of a streak of familiar midnight black hair, but just as quickly its gone.

"Justin!" I shout and run up to him. I wrap my arms around him as I give him the biggest hug.

"Hey bestie." He gives me his signature gazillion-watt smile with his big dimples. I give him a final squeeze and let go while his arm stays over my shoulder as we walk. I have this unnerving feeling that somebody's watching me, and I look over my shoulder. As my eyes lock with a flash of bright green, I blink to make sure I'm not dreaming, but my eyes open and he's gone.

"So, how was New York? I want all the juicy details! From who you slept with to what kind of sheets the hotel uses! I want ALL of it!" 

He chuckles and starts the story.


I pull my truck up in front of his house and help him carry his bags inside.

"Mrs. Hicks! I brought you a present."

"Dakota, darling is that you?"

"Sure is." Justin's mom walks into the foyer.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. If it isn't my big shot son back from New York."

"Hey ma."

"Well I should get going."

"Why the rush dear, stay for some food."

"As much as I'd love some of your famous cooking, I have to get out to the ranch. We're moving the cows this weekend, so its time for them to get their final shots and vet check."

"Do you want me to help?" Justin asks.

"Nah, already asked Rob, he said to give you a few more days off. 'So you can get used to a non-lavish lifestyle.'"

"Good ole Rob. I'll see you later?"

"For sure. Bye bestie! Bye Mrs. Hicks!"

I run outside and jump in my truck, as I'm driving down one of the dirt roads, some bird takes a shit on my windshield. I turn the wipers on and my truck stalls out. I turn them off and try starting it again, and again, and again, and again with no luck.

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