Chapter 1: Fuck Off Byuntae

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Just The Two Of Us

10th October 2012

"Taengoo!" Someone yelled. The girl turned back and saw someone running towards her. It was a boy with black bushy hair, a small V-shaped with dark-brown eyes. His smile was very charming but it didn't attract her at all. Nothing did. The boy was known for having a very rude personality and was also known for his bullying and immaturity around the school but he had changed. He started to be grow mature and stopped fighting. He had always asked the girl out but she ignored him. She rolled her eyes.  The girl was so tired of him. He had been asking her out for years and she never accepted it. Not once. Here she was, 16, rejecting him for 5 years. She had always thought that he was asking her out as a joke or even a dare but now, her mind completely changed. This time, she thinks he genuinely likes her.

"What do you want Byuntae?" The girl sighs while crossing her arms.

"I want you." He states with a wink.

The girl glared at him angrily and was about to turn away but he grabbed her wrist. She already knew what he was going to say.

"Taeyeon, da-

"No." Taeyeon said. She then left.

Baekhyun ruffled his hair in frustration and stomped off after being rejected by her for 6 whole years.

Taeyeon entered the bathroom and thankfully no one was in there. She then looked at herself in the mirror. She has pale skin, extremely thin V-shaped face, brown hair with bangs and dark brown eyes. Her hair was loosened and parted on the site with a clip. Taeyeon was so thin because of all the harassing she got from her ex friends and classmates/students for being too "fat". Taeyeon got out a old picture of her smiling happily with chubby cheeks.

It was a picture of her smiling and waving at her parents while performing in a talent show. She started to cry. She missed looking like this. She wasn't exactly fat or had chubby cheeks but people and society around her, made it seem like she did so she believed it and started to lose weight. Taeyeon quickly wiped her tears and left the bathroom. She was walking towards her class but suddenly she heard a loud bang behind her. She turned around and saw 2 boys hitting someone.

Taeyeon saw a huge crowd, rushing to see the fight take place. Many were taking pictures and recording while screaming "fight." Taeyeon thought all this was stupid and immature. She hated how people were so violent in this school. She wished that people would all be kind to each other in this society.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you hit on her!"

Taeyeon recognised that voice and looked up immediately. Almost like it was injected into her blood. It was Baekhyun's. She carefully pushed past people and tried to see what was going on between Baekhyun and some boys. The scene didn't surprise her that much. It was Baekhyun and his best friend Chanyeol beating a person up. Taeyeon carefully examined their faces and the other person until she realised it was the same guy who had tried to kiss her multiple times. 'Guess this time he had tried to hit on someone else' she thought.

"I will KILL YOU!" Baekhyun roared. Chanyeol was busy punching him while Baekhyun was kicking him on the side.


The 2 boys looked back and immediately had guilt plastered on their face. The headmaster had gone red. He was so furious.

"COME HERE, BOTH OF YOU NOW!" While the headmaster was helping the wounded boy, the 2 walked slowly up to him and the headmaster shook his head in disappointment.

"GO TO MY OFFICE NOW!" He roared.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol nodded and was about to leave but Baekhyun spotted Taeyeon in the big crowd. He saw the look on her face which also had been plastered with disappointment. He had matured but not when it comes to fights. He still needs to get over that. Baekhyun sighed and walked away. Taeyeon's eyes watched him go inside the office. Somehow her heart fluttered every time he looked at her but she shook it off and assumed it was nervousness.

An hour later, Taeyeon was waiting outside for Baekhyun. She didn't even know why but she just did. Baekhyun came out and was surprised to see her.

He smirked.

"So has someone been waiting for me?" He winked.

Taeyeon groaned and rolled her eyes.

"No you numpty. I was waiting for you because..."

"Because?" He threw her a questioning look.

"Well...uh DO MY HOMEWORK!" She half yelled.

Baekhyun was now even more confused. He noticed how suspicious she was acting.

"Are you okay??" He asked.

Taeyeon nodded.

"Yeah you're really not. Your asking the dumbest person in the school to do your homework when your the smartest?"

Taeyeon slightly hesitated to nod.

"Well then I wouldn't mind. Meet me at 3pm on Sat we might be doing something else other than homework and you know exactly what I mean." He whispered in her ear.

Taeyeon slightly smirked but immediately came back to her resting bitch face.

"Fuck off byuntae!"

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