Chapter 1.

448 4 22

Warning cursing




"Shut up stupid alarm I know I have to get up for hell- I mean school" I say turning off my alarm and standing up stretching.

I get dressed into a simple t-shirt and jeans then go downstairs hoping mom is home so I don't have to eat left overs.

"Mom!- oh.." I say going into the kitchen and I see the note on the fridge and sigh. 'Looks like I'm eating left overs again' I think to myself as I grab the bowl of leftover spaghetti from the night before from the fridge.

After eating I realize it's Saturday and groan. I had gotten up for nothing! I decided to go to the park since there isn't much else to do and the television doesn't have many channels so the park is gonna be more interesting.

I leave the house and walk to the park zoned out in my thoughts like I usually am considering I love to write fantasy and fanfiction so I am always thinking up random story plots.(if you don't do this just pretend you do for this story)

When I get to the park I sit on a bench and watch the kids on the playground.
Watching them makes me miss not having much responsibility. Unexpectedly a little girl with ginger orange hair approaches me.

"Excuse me Ms. can you please help us find our big brother?" The girl asks and I notice a boy behind her who looked just a bit younger.

"Of course I can, but first whats his name and how old is he?" I say and ask.

"His name is Micheal and he is 16." The girl says.

"Oh I think I've heard about Micheal before, we go to the same school but only see eachother in the hallways and never talk. My name is Y/n I'm 15" I say and she seemed to get more comfortable because she relaxed a little and wasn't as tense.

"I'm Elizabeth and this is my little brother Christopher but he goes by Chris." Elizabeth says.

"Well it's very nice to meet you two, now let's go look for Micheal." I say standing up and offering them to hold my hands.

Chris and Elizabeth each take one of my hands and we walk around to see if we can spot Mike.

"I think I know where Mike might be. There is a spot where these two senior from school like to corner freshman and sophomore to hurt them badly that's why my mom made me learn self defense." I say and explain.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go check!" Elizabeth says and I nod then I quickly head over to the spot trying to allow Chris and Elizabeth to keep up with me.

"So what is it gonna be Afton? We hurt your siblings or we hurt you?" I hear a voice say.

"Don't you dare lay a fucking finger on them! You can hurt me but don't touch my siblings!" I hear who I assume was Micheal say.

"You two hide here I'll handle them." I whisper and both Elizabeth and Chris nod visibly scared.

"Hey! Leave him alone do you not have anything better to do with your time? Is your life so sad and boring you have to pick on someone younger than you?" I say revealing myself to the Bullies and Micheal. I notice Mike already has a black eye but other than that he is fine.

"Go away bitch this ain't got nothing to do with you." One of them say.

"Yes it does have something to do with me espeacially when your hurting someone for no reason so leave peacfully or we can do this the hard way." I say.

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