Chapter 3

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The Next Day

"Morning." Micheal says as we enter the kitchen where William was preparing breakfast. We sit at the table and I notice Chris looked exhausted and had bags under his eyes severely.

"Chris are you alright? you look exhausted." I ask and say checking on him.

"No I'm not ok nobody believes me when I tell them why I'm tired..." Chris says slightly upset.

"You can tell me Chris, I want to help you."  I say wiping the few tears from his face that had fallen.

"I can't sleep because the nightmares try to kill me.. and I tried so hard to ignore it at first but i-it hurts so much when they bite me!" Chris explains breaking out into tears and I hug him.

"Don't baby him he is being over dramatic." William says and I sigh. I know where William is coming from because there are kids who do fake this stuff but if Chris was being dramatic he would of passed out of exhaustion by now but somehow he hasn't.

"Chris where do they bite you?" I ask.

"Usually my head or my legs.." Chris says pulling up his pajama pants to show 3 VERY dark bruises on his upper thigh in the shape of bites about the side of a grape fruit.

"The fredles d-did those and they hurt really bad." Chris says through tears as I examine the bruises.

"Mr.Afton look at this please..." I say worriedly and William turns around and drops the spatula moving the pan over so that the food doesn't burn and he rushes over looking at the bruises.

Williams behavior caused Mike to get worried and he stood up peering at us and he rushes over like William did.

"Chris can you draw a picture of what did that for me?" William asks and Chris nods.

William then gets a piece of paper and a pencil giving it to Chris. Chris sketches out the best he can what looks like a tiny nightmare version of Freddy.

"Shit..." William says getting up from his crouch position and he pulls me and Mike right outside the kitchen.

"I know what happened." William says and we look at him waiting for an answer.

"A long time ago I make an illusion disk that had those nightmare versions of the animatronics to terrorize people who piss me off by slipping them into thier bag turned on and it would give them nightmare for at least a month. Glitch probably possessed me while I was asleep and snuck one into Chris's room hiding one." William explains.

"Well let's go find it." Mike says but William stops him.

"There are a couple problems with that.  one, that illusion disc is the size of a penny so it would be almost impossible to find it, and two the disk is programmed that when someone is close to it while it's not active during the day it will automatically start the nightmares reguardless of the time." William explains.

"Well since it's in his room can't he just sleep with me instead or Liz?" Mike asks.

"That's a smart idea Micheal however I'm afraid that the disk that is in Chris's room is specifically designed to reach up to a 600ft radius." William says and explains.

"Shit." Mike says.

"I've got an idea." I say and they both look at me.

"Chris can stay at my house until you two can get that disk." I say.

"That would work but ever since...she left.. he has had separation anxiety and oddly enough it's toward Micheal despite how many mean things he has done to him." William says and Mike looks at the ground.

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