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It's pouring outside. Ray likes it when it rains, it's sort of comforting. The sound of the rain droplets falling one after another to the hard concrete ground, a cup of coffee on his hands.. He couldn't imagine a better way to spend his afternoon. The lack of customers in the coffee shop that day made it even better. Quieter.

The black-haired boy takes a deep breath, enjoying the peacefulness.

He didn't get to enjoy it for long though since a girl came in running through the door, soaking wet. She carried a broken umbrella in her right hand. Her other hand, the left one.. was hugging something. Something covered in her jacket.

"Sorry! I'm late! I encountered a little problem" A sheepish smile appeared on her face as she ran towards the kitchen, only to be stopped by an olive-haired girl, allegedly her coworker.

"Emma.." She looks at Emma from head to toes, a concerned look on her face. "You're soaking wet.. Come on, I'll get you some dry clothes." She goes inside a room, leaving Emma waiting at the door, standing on a piece of old cloth so she wouldn't wet the wooden floor.

Ray knew it wasn't any of his business yet he was curious as to what had happened to her. He watched as she looked at what she had wrapped on her jacket. Suddenly, a soft meowing noise could be heard.

The girl's eyes widened as she looked at Ray, who had obviously heard it. She smiled reassuringly yet unconvincingly. She couldn't hide it at this point, she had been seen.

"Is that your cat?" The black-haired boy finally asked.

"Not yet!" She sat at Ray's table and unwrapped the cat. It was a black cat, supposedly bad luck. Ray doesn't believe in that stuff though and apparently, Emma doesn't either.

"Not.. yet?" He raises his eyebrow at her. "Did you steal it or something?" He knows she didn't, he's just teasing.

"What?! Of course not! It's a stray cat I found outside.. I didn't want it to get sick so I took it with me!" She explains, petting the cat. Ray looks at her for a few seconds. She has orange hair, blonde in certain areas, freckles all over her face and green emerald eyes.

"If the sun was a person, she would be it." he thinks. Everything about her reminds him of warmth and summer. Unlike him, who would be the personification of winter, rainy days and coldness.

He notices he's staring when the ginger makes eye contact with him. "Do you want to hold it?" She asks, supposing he has been staring because he wants to hold the animal.

Without waiting for an answer, she puts the cat in his arms and smiles. Her smile is contagious. Ray discovered it that same day.

The day they met at Goldy Pond cafe.

"Emma! I have your clothes, come on!" Yelled Gilda from inside the room. With a side smile, the ginger waved goodbye and entered the room.

She left Ray sitting on his table, with a cat in his arms and a smile on his face.

Love as warm as coffee | RayemmaWhere stories live. Discover now