02 : liberosis

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Author's Note

hey! :) it's been quite a long time since i've posted here and i would like to say that i'm really sorry for that bci'm swamped with all of my school work. here's the edited version of chapter 2. if you want to make my day then you should vote and comment.

[for lana, you're such an inspiration to me and a really great person too. wishing you the best!]

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02 : liberosis

"The saddest truth is realisingyou have fallen madly in lovewith what can never be

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"The saddest truth is realising
you have fallen madly in love
with what can never be."

- Michael Faudet

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[n.] » the desire to care less about things-to loosen your grip on your life,

to stop glancing behind you every few steps,

afraid that someone will snatch it from you

before you reach the end zone-rather to hold your life

loosely and playfully, like a volleyball, keeping it in the air,

with only quick fleeting interventions,

bouncing freely in the hands of trusted friends, always in play.

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I was no stranger to the chord of such emotion, especially when you've been subjected to it all your damn life. There was a silver lining in my life that was brought conceptually by the presence of loneliness - and that was solitude.

You could never find solitude when you were swathed with everyone around you who spoke in accord and in tones that were never hushed. Everything that you've planned would pan out differently because of leverages being pulled at the expense of your so-called influential cronies.

It seemed as if I've been through two situations at once, which by the way I already have. The bottom line was, while I suffered through the brunt of being abandoned, I could easily deem that having friends and having less - or lack thereof - was easily comparable to the other.

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