Chapter 4. Gentiana

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Dabi's POV (Same day of the incident)

''Shit... FUCKING HELL!'' I scream, all while I'm hurriedly pulling my shirt off of my torso, strolling back and forth in the spacy hallway of the club house. Frustrated out of my freaking mind.

Doc and his colleague Rascal had taken Y/N into the care room and closed the door up our faces. We had no bloody idea what had happened. She suddenly completely blacked out. Her body spasming like crazy. Her mouth foaming.

We think she finally overdosed. It wouldn't however make any sense. The drug had been inside of her system for quite a while.

How the fuck even?

''Dude you need to calm the fuck down, alright? We can't do much from here on. Let Doc and Ras take care of her. Let's get into the kitchen and pour us a few drinks. We'll smoke beneath the kitchen fan...'' Casanova starts, pulling an arm around my shoulder.

''Come on'' He continues, shoving me in to the room. The other blokes following close behind.

Relax he says...

How could I?

All of my men are gathered. Fancied up and shit. We were supposed to go out for drinks,  and potentially slip in some mesmerizing pro fuckery in between.

Gawd it reeks in here.

It smells like a cocktail of perfumes, with only five minutes passing.

Fucking hell... is that what we smell like when we're all together?

Or is my anxiety making me over sensitive?


Holy shit.

''What the fuck just happened? Like seriously? Do you want to get killed over a pair of tits?'' Bonanza asks, looking sincerely annoyed to shits. Sternly massaging his forehead.

He hasn't gotten laid in a while, just like me. Most of us havent. We were all pent up to shits. Except for Sonic who's boning his girlfriend every night. Making sure we all hear it loud and clear. Well, at least- whenever she'd sleep over, which is a lot. It's an old fucking house. You can hear pretty much everything going on behind closed doors. And those two aren't exactly subtle.

''It's a nice pair of tits'' Isus mumbles, pouting his lips into a duck face.

I stare him down for a few seconds, which makes him very quickly pick his hands up in a peace paltry. Casually twirling around to start the coffee machine. Making Tiny and Speed cackle loudly.

''I don't blame him, come on what was he supposed to do? Let them not only rape her, if they haven't already. Let her overdose on the floors of the Winston palace?... I know we would have found a way around it- It would have been a pain in the shit hole and all but we would have gotten out of it in the end, per usual...'' Speed starts, with his arms and legs crossed, torso leaning on to the kitchen sink.

''She would have been a goner and those shit heads would have been serving jail time...'' Bonanza continues.

''They wouldn't be able to track the sleeping beauties to us. And I've heard it's pretty complicated to trail them through the blood anyway'' Tiny informs from the kitchen table, shoving peanuts up his mug like his life is depending on it.

''They put three in her drink...'' I add on, frigidly. About to punch someone's face in.

All of them collectively sounds an ''ouff''

I don't blame them. It is quite shocking.

''Three?'' Casanova comments, looking absolutely baffled. Just like everyone else really.

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