Chapter 16. Marks of a viper

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(Yay, nay? Ivory is now added to the visuals in the Introduction)--------------------------------------

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(Yay, nay? Ivory is now added to the visuals in the Introduction)

Dabi's POV

''Holy fuck'' Is the first thing I actually say out loud after leaving the club house in a flurry with Isus tailing me. Per usual.

He tried talking to me in the Barracuda but I refused to let my mind stray off. My focus completely on the mission- getting to kitten as fast as humanly possible.

''Listen. We can't just storm in there. You know they have heavy ass security- Isn't it better we call Boss and Sonic?  They might be there today''

Bet not. I told Sonic to message me as fast as they're allowed to enter.

People are out to get me everywhere, the whole incident with Branimir, Nemanjas brother, not making it any paltrier on my already weary mind. In fact, I think I've built up heavy ass paranoia.

Now you'd think people would be out to get Ivory- since she's seen around me all the time. But the difference here is that Ivory belongs to the Aces now, after Vuk requited her uncle a while back, thanks to me- since Hoozier refused to. While Y/N is a random chick owning Hak Corp, aka she's loaded.

They handle gold. In Egypt...

Let that sink in.

Just imagine how many assholes would love to get their hands on her. And not to kill her off but to probably recruit her or marry her. 

I mean not only is she loaded but she's fucking fire as well.

And worst of all. Some have sensed the whiff of my unruly gestures around her. Putting my life in danger for her and all that you know. Which might lead to them trying to use her to get to me.

Now while all of these scenarios are alarming.  What worries me the most at the monent is the call I had gotten the day we rushed over to Y/N's building lit on fire. Just as she had ran in to the hut, my phone had started ringing. I was about to shove it in to Isus chest, let him talk to whoever was calling. But the number seemed awfully familiar and distressing so I decided to take it myself. I pressed the button all while I started walking up to the entrance.

''She might be inside next time'' Was uttered from the other side of the phone. I went abso-fcuking-lutely ballistic. Screaming my lungs out at whoever it was. All while my punctured abdomen started spurting blood. Speed and Peaches immediately grabbing a hold of me.

I remember throwing the phone away as I fumblily pushed my way in to the building. Speed tailing me arduously. Failing to pull me back. 

Y/N's flat was thankfully on the second floor. Aka- It didn't take me long to reach her. She was laying lifeless on the floor when I stepped in through the threshold. I had Speed pick her up and hurried him to get her out of there. 

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