Chapter 1: Dull Farm, Dull strings.

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"Okay honey ! I'll be back from the city hopefully around 4 tomorrow !" Her father yelled.

"Bye dad!" She waved as she watched the mans, old rusted c10 truck, pulled out of the plain white painted house. He drove off as a dust cloud followed the old truck.

She sighed, and began to finish her chores, she had lived on this farm as long as she could remember. She didn't dislike it, but she also didn't enjoy it. Although most of her friends had cell phones or cars or go to concerts, she had a goat. Named Jacob.

It was true she didn't have any of those electronic things, she really didn't want them. She saw how much they impacted those young teen girls life. But she did want something normal of her teenage life. Love. Something she had been craving for ever since she knew how to speak the word. Yeah they were plenty of guys at her school, but none that seemed. Fitting.

Most hit on her, she was a cute girl, she constantly stared at her self in the mirror. She knew she was. But none of those guys liked the idea of dating a girl whose personality was about as dull as her goat.

She sighed and continued into work.


The sun was setting, and she wiped her hand across her forehead. After a long day she always did the same thing. She walked past the barn that was a few yards from her house. But even past that, was a small cottage. Something the previous owners had left. But it was sturdy enough for her to lay on.

She climbed the small structure which only had 3 walls. It was about the size of a small room, over the years it had been torn down, only 3 brick walls and a wooden flat roof.

She laid on the roof, from that exact point. You could see the sunrise over the hills. The sun perfectly set in between two hills which blocked out the sun from her house. But from here. Here she could feel the warmth of the orb of life. She could hear the sounds of the animals from here. But then she heard something behind the cries of the chickens, something she's heard before. A..... Guitar?

" I never meant to be the one who kept you from the dark."

Now she was hearing singing she was going crazy, next thing you know it's going to sound like.

"But now I know my wings are sown because of who you are. "

A mans voice.....

" I will take this burden on and become the holy one."

It was coming from beneath the cottage.

"But remember I am human and I'm bound to sing this song,"

She got her knife from her back pocket and pulled it out. She was ready. In one swift move she was in the floor pointing
At the dark figure sitting in the back of the small room.

"Ahh!" The man yelled as he fell over from his spot on the wood floor. His guitar fell onto the floor.

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