Chapter 7

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"How did you know what train?" your mother asked as you after being on the train for a while.

"I-uh looked it up on google!" you said in a slightly pitched tone. You knew if you said you had gotten the information from a stranger she would start ranting.

Your father raised his eyebrows at you. He knew you were lying but was just relieved that he did't have to keep arguing with your mother.

The com system announced there were two more stops before yours and you decided to listen to some music.

As you played your favorite songs you couldn't help but think about the man on the bench.


You laughed quietly to yourself. You had always been one to speak your mind and often couldn't help yourself. Your parents always said that someday it would get your in trouble but more times than not it made people respect you instead of treating you like a child.

It was rare to talk to someone who also had a similar attitude.

As your mother tugged your sleeve to get off the train you felt chills run through your back.

"Are you cold?" your mother asked worried, "I told you you should have brought a sweater with you.

"I'm fine mom," you reassured her, "It's just goosebumps."

"Someone's that excited to see Hamilton tonight huh?" you father teased.

You rolled your eyes and laughed as you made your way back to the hotel to get ready.

As you walked down the street you couldn't help but feel like someone was watching you.


Your parents were worn out and insisted on grabbing a quick snack from the hotel lounge before heading over to the theatre.

You were a bit fidgety, mostly from the excitement of going to see an actual broadway play in the flesh. You had said that you weren't hungry but as soon as you smelled the wonderful aroma of food your mouth watered.

You father grabbed a cinnamon roll and made a big show of eating it.

"Mmmmm sooooo good!" he said while your mother laughed.

You grabbed a fresh bagel and placed some cream cheese and ate it dramatically back.

"I never said I wouldn't eat," your said with your mouth full.

You all laughed as you checked the time.

"We should get going soon!" You said buzzing with excitement.

"Alright, alright chill your pants there," you father said got up to pay the bill. Your mother smiled as she went through her purse, making sure she had everything she needed for the night.

She frowned as she went through her purse again.

"What's wrong mom?" You asked.

"It seems I forgot my phone in the room," she said with a sigh.

"Honey I asked if you had everything before we left," your father said coming back.

"Yes I know. I was just so sure I had it but now I remember I took it out to check the weather later."

"I can go get it," you offered.

"Alright but just be careful. Meet us outside when you come back," she said as you made you way towards the elevator.

As you hit the button on your floor you decided to check you phone. When the elevator dinged and left you on your floor you began to walk towards your room. But as you came up to the door you noticed it was the wrong number.

You groaned realizing that you must have pushed the wrong number on the elevator. As you began to walk back to the elevator you passed the stairwell and decided that would probably be much faster than waiting on the elevator.

As you approached the lobby you felt that nagging feeling come back but stronger this time. Each step you took you could feel your feet become heavier. You were halfway through the lobby when your heart stopped.

A loud sound rang out that would haunt you for the rest of your life.

A gunshot.


The next couple of minutes felt like everything was moving in slow motion.

You couldn't move at first. It was like your body had turned off. You could distantly hear people talking loudly as they passed you. It was almost as if you were part of a different reality.

But you weren't.

This was real.

Time seemed to return to normal as your mind caught up with you.

You ran out side and people were screaming and pushing. It was chaos as everyone tried to make sense of what had just happened.

You were only worried about one thing.

Your parents.

You scrambled through the block searching for them, frantically yelling for them.

But they were gone.

I know I haven't updated in a while but I hope you enjoyed! As always let me know what you think or if you have any requests!

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