Chapter 3

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Is this a joke?" Anger courses through my veins as I stand. "Are you seriously saying you were planning to marry-off Jackie but now me?"

The loud clapping sound from the backhand slap my nonno gives me is overshadowed by the gasps of my mother and sister. I touch my throbbing lip with the back of my hand, swallowing the coppery flavor of blood in my mouth. (grandfather)

"Abbassa la voce," Anger flashes in my nonno's eyes as he looks back at me, his voice low, in warning of how I'm walking a thin line of freedom; who knows what kind of punishment he has in mind. (lower your voice)

It's not the first time or uncommon for my nonno to be violent, especially towards me. Being the oldest, he wanted to set a standard with my younger sisters on what is acceptable and what isn't.

"I will not tolerate your insolence and disrespectful behavior, Elenora!" He glares at me, breathing heavy.

I can't control the half laugh, half scream, I let out in frustration. "It's the twenty-first century, you know? Women have rights!"

"I do not understand," Paolo says in Italian and looks around the room confused. "Is there a problem?"

I stare at him in disbelief before I turn my angry gaze on my parents. Why are they doing this?

"Papà, you can't make me do this. I don't even live here anymore. I lived on my own for over three years."

"And look how that turned out for you, piccola." I suck in a sharp breath, feeling betrayed by his words. (little one)

My father sighs, standing. "Look, your mamma and I are not getting any younger and one of the things we constantly worry about is making sure you girls are taken care of. You know the kind of work I do and the dangers that come with it. We had hoped Leo would ask you to marry him, but obviously that didn't work out and then with what happened to cannot blame us for wanting to make sure you are taken care of."

"And yes, while you have a job, it is not as consistent or as regular as Jackie's nursing career. There's too much uncertainty with Photography and it would give me peace of mind if you were married and had the stability to fall back on, such as a husband can provide," My father tells me.

I'm living my own timepiece period drama, that somehow turned out to be my sorry and pathetic real life.

"Nothing is certain yet, Nora, the negotiations are early. This is more of a getting to know you dinner, but it would be good to give it a try, dolcezza. It's been months. It's time to move on," Mamma says softly, as if she's afraid I'll have another outburst. (sweetheart)

"Scusi, ma c'è un problema?" Paolo questions again, as he slurps his coffee. (excuse me, but is there a problem?)

"No, no problem, Paolo, just going over the semantics of the arrangement," My mother reassures him politely in Italian.

"There is no arrangement, Ma," I say through my clenched jaw. My nonno starts walking towards me, but my father stands in his way.

"Enough, Elenora," My father scolds. "Your Mamma is right. Nothing has been decided yet. Let's head to the dining room to eat." 

Paolo stands, setting his cup down on the tray and wipes off the cookie crumbs off of his charcoal corduroy suit. He steps out first followed by my ma and my nonno, who scowls at me before he walks out.

My father stands before me. "I'm only looking out for you, amore. And regardless of this and what's happened," He lifts my chin. "Non dimenticare mai che sei forte e sei abbastanza." (never forget you are strong and you are enough)

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