Chapter 4

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"Thank you all for coming tonight. This is one of the bigger turnouts we've had in a while." The host stands at the front of the room on a podium, speaking into a microphone.

"For those of you who are new; ladies, you will pick a numbered table to begin your first date of the night. Gentlemen, you may sit at any open table to begin your date. When you hear the bell, that will indicate the end of your five minutes together and you will rotate, to begin your next date."

Five minutes? For some reason, I thought it'd be a minute or less. I start to panic, racking my brain for anything I can think of to bring up about myself that would sound interesting.

"Now, five minutes may not seem like a long time, but you'd be surprised how much you can find out about someone in a short amount of time." The host smiles over the crowd. "Let the love connections begin!" He hits the bell and my sisters and Clara guide me to the tables near the front.

While they sit excitedly at the small tables waiting for someone to sit with them—I silently throw up a million prayers that I don't make a fool of myself. Well, more than I already have.

A blond man approaches and my eyes dart around as he smiles at me. My sisters are each engaged in their own conversations already.

"May I sit?" The man smiles. I nod and tuck my hair behind my ears, and clasp my hands together, but then I move them down on my lap. I don't want to appear closed off, but then again, I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

"My name is Brian." He extends his hand out for me to shake.


"Thank you," he responds and his face grows several shades of red. " Wait—I..." he stammers as I look at him confused before realizing he's more nervous than I am. I give him a soft smile, hoping it's reassuring.

"Sorry, I've never done anything like this before and I just got out of a four year relationship. It's been a while since I've had to do this." Brian chuckles.

"How long have you lived in New York? You have a slight accent. Southern?" I ask, hoping to steer away from past relationships. Mostly because I don't want to break down in front of a complete stranger.

He smiles. "Yes, I'm from Georgia. I've been in New York for five years; I moved here for work."

"How about you, are you from here?"

"Born and raised. I majored in Photography and Imaging at NYU." My nervousness is slowly dissipating.

"That's impressive. I have a cousin who also studied Photography there. They have a very selective program. From what he said only thirty five to forty five applicants get accepted each year."

As our conversation progresses, he appears to be more at ease and answers the questions I ask, then we hear the ding and he moves on.

Okay, this isn't so bad.

The night progresses and after a montage of men—who unlike Brian—are more than comfortable telling me all about themselves, I'm beyond ready to leave. I hardly get a word in, but I find myself more and more relaxed. 

It's probably due to all the drinks I've had. I decide to reign it in after one more drink—maybe two.

All in all, there've been some interesting men and interesting conversations, but right now, I'm sitting in front of someone who reminds me of the guy from the Clear Eyes commercials. Same voice, same glasses, only younger.

He's in the middle of explaining to me the difference between astrology and astronomy. Ironically, I like both of these things, and consider astrology a hobby. But hearing him talk about it makes me want to never hear about it ever again, not to mention slam my head against the table a couple times.

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