Chapter Fiftteen

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< Chapter Fifteen, Dreams >

I opened my eyes i couldn't see a thing i got up and looked around.

"hello is anyone there?" i keep walking looking around "hello" i shouted

a bright light appeared i turned towards it and it started pulling me i fell to the ground trying to get away from the light but it kept pulling me i was almost gone when someone grabbed me i closed my eyes.

"help me" i heard a voice whisper

and i opened my eyes.

"and that was it the was the end of the dream?" stiles asked as we were walking to the school

"yeah but here's the thing the voice it sounded like theo"

"that's impossible cal he's gone we saw him get sucked into the ground by his dead sister"

"don't you think i know that but listen okay it was his voice maybe he's trying to reach out to me"

"please tell me you aren't gonna try to get him out"

"no of course not but i think i need to talk to deaton maybe he's seen or knows how to help me"

"yeah maybe after school this is our last year, last semester"

"i thought you didn't care if we ended up in the same place"

"doesn't mean i don't want us all to pass" he stopped me "and malia needs help with economy so maybe you can help her after school tonight"

"i thought lydia was helping her?"

"she was but every time malia gets upset she turns and well you're still a chimera and you're getting good at helping her turn back you know what to do"

"oh okay" i said sarcastically and continued to walk

"is that a yes?" stiles hollered from behind me

"yes" i shouted back and went to class

___________ ☆ ___________

After school i went to the animal clinic to see deaton i told him about the dream.

"that's weird" he walked to the back as i followed

"yeah do you think it could be theo? trying to reach out to me?"

"i doubt it probably just guilt"

"so i'm fine?"

"i wouldn't say that"

"come on deaton" i sighed

he laughed then pulled out a jar with a herb of some kind in it

"what's that?"

"Valerian Root it'll help you sleep peacefully try it if it doesn't work come back" he gave it to me

"thanks deaton" i smiled and left

Dead To Me; Theo Raeken Where stories live. Discover now