Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The Sickness

In BurnlyCity you will die young, many do. The oldest man there ever was, Died at the age of 47. The meadow and woods are deeply forbidden. Many hazards live there, though, me, Fallen Heirby, Needed to feed my family. Every weekend the woods were were anyone could find me. Sometimes with her best friend Drnick Bensy. Anytime she could get caught, killed by law. But people needed food. One day they planned to kill the leader, Rum. But it would take, years of practice. Its was a Monday afternoon after school, me and Drnick were in the woods. My preferred weapon was her bow and arrows; I got them after her father was publicly hung for hunting. I knew that she had to supply money when her mom was too ill to try, and Purge can’t find a job. Purge is my older brother by 2 years, she looks up to him; I would do anything for him. It’s been 5 years since my father got killed, I feared everyday that her dad’s rope would be passed down. Drnick preferred a knife, he still can use a bow and arrow but he kills better with a knife. Drnick’s mother and father worked but with five other siblings they barely got by.

“Wanna eat first?” I ask.

“Sure, I didn’t get a lunch” Drnick replies.

We walk over to a bed of rocks by the water. They aren’t dating, many thought they were though. Drnick has a stocky build and to many, not to bad to look at. Jet black hair, blue crystal eyes, and rather taller than me. I have Dark brown hair, very close to black. My eyes are dark brown, but lighter than her hair. I have rather long hair, about to my mid back. She rarely wore it down, most of the time in a braid or pony tail. We wear hunting attire almost all the time. Nowon in Burly seems to think that, but they do.

“Why can’t the government give each province more money! It seems they want us to die off” Drnick yells.

“Drnick” I looked to both sides before continuing. “It doesn’t matter were you are you have to keep your voice down, Rum has cameras everywhere.” I tell Drnick.

“Not in the woods, Fallen, if he did us both would be dead.” I nod.

“I wish someone would overthrow Rum” Drnick says, much softer.

“Me too, but that wont happen, he has magic. None of us do.”

We both finish eating a squirrel and got back to hunting.

Today we each got a pretty good haul, 5 more squirrels, 6 raccoons (Which we normally sell), and 1 deer. Drnick and I stripped the deer of its pelt and went to the black market and sold the raccoons and the deer’s pelt. They each came home with 5 dollars each. This in Burnly city is a small jackpot.

Drnick and I neared the center of the square when my mother came up to us.

“Purge is ill, Very ill the doctor is there right now, come along Fallen” my mother stressed, “Alright mother I’ll be right there.”

U started to walk when I noticed Drnick not coming. “Come on, then Drnick.” And then Drnick started to follow.

We arrived at home with the doctor trying to coax some food into Purge. “He is deathly ill, I am afraid Purge will not make it a fortnight” The doctor said. “No! He can’t die! He, he has to stay alive” I almost yelled. Drnick scrambles over to Me. “Fallen, There has to be a way” Drnick says. “Well there is, But it means going over Rums lines. You will risk getting killed, torched, or worse of all, getting tortured by Rums magic” The doctor says. “What if Rum has cameras in here?” I sobbed. “He doesn’t, Rum doesn’t care about what happens in your home” The doctor says. “I’m only in if Drnick is too” I declared. “I guess were going.” Drnick says. “Excellent, so here is what you do. Go east for 4 days, then you’ll reach BurnlyCity’s, border. As you should well know if you cross and get caught, you know what will happen. No need to repeat myself. You cross, move swiftly, and go find a special tree that holds, Gooma berries. The tree is dull and small, neither as tall and deer nor as tall as a squirrel. It has a height of a twig. I shall supply weapons and a cloak for each of you. Are there any weapons that fancy you the most?”

“Yes, Me a bow and arrow” I say.

“And me, a knife or sword” Drnick said.

“Come then” the doctor lead us out and took us to her stores upper level. They reached the top level and through some doors to some clothes. More cloaks than anything. Red, blue, black, yellow, all the colors you can think of. The doctor turned on 3 lights and then they could see better.

“You will need heavier clothing then what you have right now. Fallen I will help you find some clothing and Drnick you go with my husband.” Fallen and the doctor go over to were the girls cloaks and pants and shirts are. Fallen really didn’t see a difference in clothes at all.

“I didn’t catch your name” I said as she was getting fitted for pants. The doctor smiled. “My name is, Seep” The doctor replied.

“Seep, what a lovely name” I said. “Pick out a cloak” Seep told me.

I nodded and went over to the racks of longer cloaks. Seep said longer cloaks are much better. I scrolled through what felt like hundreds of cloaks and came across, a lovely brown cloak with a hood. I picked up the cloak and brought it over to Seep, who was making my pants.

“I found this one” I told Seep.

“Ahh. That is a lovely cloak” Seep said. “I made it myself, it is the only one made of pure cotton”

“Nothing in the boys department is made of cotton?” I ask.

“Yes, My husband made one, but out many cloaks its hard to say if Drnick with choose it.” Seep said, and finished making my pants. As I waited I looked around the room. The roof sagged a bit, which was odd because, in Burnly rain hardly poured.

Seep was finished making my pant and made her put them on in front of her. I tried explaining how I get embarrassed easily but Seep just told me to put them on. After fifteen minutes of arguing I finally gave in. she took her pants off and Seep put them in a pale of water so she can wash them later. When Seep returned I was freezing. My two bare legs having no protection, but the little bit of warmth from my underwear, on my upper leg.

Seep came and gave my pants and helped me put them on. I quickly got measured for a top and soon put it on in front of Seep with little argue. I wrapped her cloak around her shoulders. The cloak was nice, not as itchy as I expected. Because sometimes cotton can be rather itchy. Seep and I walked down to the main level and awaited Drnick. I started to wonder what would happen if I got caught. I kept trying to stop thinking that but I just couldn’t. The more I tried to stop the more she just couldn’t. Drnick finally arrived in the same black pants and bronze shirt. His cloak looked like mine it looked like cotton.

“Oh Fallen, it looks like Drnick found the cotton cloak as well, with no help I presume” Seep gestured to her husband.

“No help” he confirmed.

Fallen and Drnick didn’t understand why it mattered but, they didn’t ask why.

“Let’s hope this isn’t goodbye, you must head out know” Seep said.

“I have to tell my parents, I don’t know how they won’t starve” Drnick says.

“I’ll arrange something for them to eat, don’t work Drnick” Seep says. “Just say your goodbyes and leave, you must return before one month passes” Seep warned. The husband walked us over to weapons. When you walk in you see knifes and swords. Drnick choose a large sword that he could just hide over his cloak. Then we walked over to were all the bows were. I choose a nice silver bow and matching arrows that I could easily hide with my cloak. When we were done we went to Drnick’s house so he could say his goodbyes. When he was done he had not even shed a tear.


Yeah, I dunno how long that is :/ But this story got ranked! #286 in histoical Fiction.

I have nothing to say....


-MeForLife OUT

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