Chapter Four

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Jimin hadn't left the small town since his accident. One reason being: fear of the rest of the world seeing him in his most vulnerable state; the second reason being: incapability.

Although he never complained, Taehyung sometimes struggled to put Jimin in and out of the car whenever they left the house to go to the hospital or to visit their friends.

It was precisely moments like these that made Jimin want to curl ten feet underground and never come back up. As much as he liked getting pampered, having to depend on someone to do mundane tasks such as getting into a car, showering, or going to the bathroom was utterly humiliating.

Taehyung's parents had mentioned on multiple occasions that they should hire a caretaker for Jimin. And although even the simple thought of having to let his body into the hands of a stranger repulsed him, Jimin had agreed with their proposition.

Taehyung on the other hand had completely rejected the idea whenever it was brought up in a conversation, saying that he was more than capable enough of taking care of his boyfriend.

Even after trying to reason with him that it wasn't about capability but rather about helping him and not having him do everything by himself, Taehyung still strongly refused each time.

Perhaps it had been his pride that did not let him accept, wanting to convince himself that although he struggled in doing everything for Jimin he was still not willing to give up.

Or it could have been simply that he trusted himself enough and knew that he didn't need anyone else's help.

If only he would complain. If only he would break down in front of Jimin and tell him of his fears and his uncertainties.

But he never faltered, always acting like Jimin's rock and stable shoulder to lean on. It made Jimin wonder if he too represented the same figure as Taehyung. If Taehyung too saw him as someone he could lean on and be weak in front of.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours, nightingale," Taehyung asked as he put down the suitcase in the living room.

"I'm wondering if us going is a good idea," Jimin answered quietly from where he sat beside the big windows overlooking the front yard.

"Are you not feeling well," Taehyung instantly rushed towards him, his hands touching his forehead and cheeks, inspecting for a fever.

"No that's not it," he took Taehyung's much larger hands into his own.

"Then what is it," still having a concerned look on his face, Taehyung crouched down in front of him, their hands still interlocked.

"Would it not be too much work? The guys live in an apartment building and they said the elevator is old. Plus, what if we need to stop at a gas station on our way there and way back. I don't want to be bothering Jin Hyung and you,", breathless, that's how Jimin always felt after speaking for longer than what he was used to. He always seemed to feel tired afterward. As if having given everything he could, and now he needed to catch his breath.

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