Chapter 1 magnus

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(this is my first time writing so tell me if you  want me to continue and tell me if it was good or not)

Once upon a time there lived a man named magnus. Magnus was a normal man living in a not so normal world. This was a world of fantasy, a world of fairies, minotaurs, beastmen, elves, and many other mythical creatures. Magnus had just enough money to buy a house in the city of erantel. As soon as he got inside he knew this house was meant for him. It had a nice room, a kitchen and a mini armory. He didn't know why there was an armory but he thought it might come in useful someday. The next day he went to have a walk around this great city he had purchased a house at. While looking around he stumbled upon the winter moon guild. Winter moon was very highly known because there were a large number of members so without a second thought he went in to apply for the guild and had to take the guild skill test. He had to do a written test, a running test, a strength test and a magic test.

For the running and written test he did pretty well but for the strength test and magic he knew he was domed .when the strength test came up 50 people were put in an arena like room that was huge and only the last 10 people could join the guild magnus got ready to fight as soon as the person said go everyone ran for the middle to grab a weapon.

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