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⊱ ─ District Five ─ ⊰

"It's not how big you are, it's how big you play." -Unknown

⊱ ──── {.⋅ ⛸ 🦆 🏒 ⋅.} ──── ⊰

Daisy Jacobs skated quickly across the ice before slowing to a stop perfectly shaving the ice as she pulled back her hockey stick, sending the hockey puck flying into the trash can she was using as a goal. Daisy cheered to herself happily, adjusting her scarf before she used her hockey stick to get the puck out of the trash can. She skated two laps of the ice before sitting on the bench and removing her skates, slipping on her sneakers before grabbing her bag and rushing off home.

She jumped over fences and ran across work sites as short cuts to make it back home before her mother knowing the trouble she would get into for being out late. Daisy just barely managed to sneak back in her window, throw down her things and sit on her bed with her homework set out in front of her like she had planned it. She slowed her breathing as a light knock sounded on her door before her mother opened it, peeking her head in with a relieved smile to see her daughter home and studying.

Daisy smiled up at her mother as she ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, "How was work?" Daisy's mother, Miranda smiled at her daughter as she leaned against the doorway. "Work was tiring but it wasn't too bad. How was the ice?" Miranda questioned her daughter with a raised brow. Daisy was gonna argue back but she noticed her skates still had ice shavings and her scarf was still on, she removed the scarf with a sigh. "Well, that backfired on me," Daisy says with a huff making Miranda laugh.

Miranda walked over and kissed the top of Daisy's head, "I'll make you some dinner then you can wash the dishes as punishment." Daisy nodded slightly defeated before smiling at her tired mother. Daisy admired her mother's strength, it had been difficult for them after her father had passed away but they push through for him. Daisy's father, Derek Jacobs dreamed off playing Ice Hockey in the big leagues but he gave up those dreams when Daisy came along.

But Daisy fell in love with Ice Hockey and from that, Derek taught her everything he knew and she quickly became one of the best peewee players in the state of Minnesota. She was so good that local teams continue to try and recruit her but unfortunately for them, she is loyal to her best friends. Les Averman and Jesse Hall, the three of them together were on the District Five Hockey team. The team wasn't exactly... good, but they have fun together and for a bunch of kids, that was enough.

⊱ ──── {.⋅ ⛸ 🦆 🏒 ⋅.} ──── ⊰

When her father died, Daisy went on a short strike refusing to go on the ice but after some time, (And some convincing from Jesse and Averman) She got back on the ice better than ever. She was only now returning to District Five and tomorrow would be her first practice back with them, she hoped that some of them improved. She was excited to return, hockey was what she was born to play and she promised her father that she'd never give up on her dream even if she is only twelve years old.

This year would be different, Daisy didn't know how or why but she could feel it in her heart and soul. She was gonna help her team reach the championship and they were gonna win, which would prove to McGill and Larson that she was more than a girl. Those Hawks weren't gonna bring her down anymore, she was ready to hurt them where it hurts them the most; On the ice winning the game. It was just about getting the team on the same wavelength and to, well, work together.

✓ | 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐜𝐞 ♡ Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now