1. Opening Act

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The dirt flew in the air behind me from the force of my paws pushing into the ground as I ran through the forest. I bobbed and weaved between the trees jumping over the branches and logs covered with green moss that lay fallen to the ground. I made sure that my fur didn't catch onto any branches so that I wouldn't get caught by any of hunters that came to the forests looking for wolves or deer or whatever other creatures that they decided to hunt that day.

Once I came to my mark where I left my clothes, I grabbed them in my teeth and ran over to where I parked my car. Looking at my reflection through the car window I saw my white wolf with my fur all over the place thick and soft like snow. My bright green vibrant eyes that rivaled the green beauty of the most majestic emeralds. I had a wolfy smirk on my face smiling at my new record of 27 miles ran today. I morphed into my human form listening as the bones cracked popped and rearranged themselves so I was back to my own human form kneeling in the dirt. I rose my hands dusting the dirt off my hands looking at my earthy brown skin on my strong arms as the muscles flexed while I stretched. I ran twice a day, when I woke up in the morning and before I went to bed at night ever since I was thirteen earning me the strong muscular body that I have now. The big behind that I have on me is merely a gift from my mamma and a ton of muscle I got from all this running. Then I saw my big brown nose and my deep purple eyes shining back at me from the glare on the car window. In the morning I run in my wolf form in the forest because I'm less likely to be caught by hunters with my white fur standing out against the dark night light, and at night I run as a human in the park by my apartment because it's easier to do there.

After putting on my sweat pants and shirt I got into my run down car and drove home. It's a good thing I only have to go to work in the afternoons, because I like to go home and nap before I start my day.

Opening the door to my apartment I saw some dude walking out of my roommates room saying nothing to me. Tuh, another one bites the dust. My roommate, Leandra, had a flare for bringing home a guy every night, which I didn't have a problem with at all until she started banging on the thin walls of our apartment especially for a werewolf with sensitive hearing. That's what encouraged my late night runs and my early morning ones so much longer than I used to have them. My roommate was a good person and all, I mean we weren't exactly friends but we worked together and we were able to get along pretty well.

Leandra's a bartender at Martini 494, where we work on Broad Street in Newark, and I'm a waitress. One day she was complaining about her roommate moving out and I was desperate to move out of my sister's place so we just started living together. I stuck to myself and she did the same. We paid rent on time and kept our respective areas clean not trying to invade the other's space.

I stayed with my sister ever since I could remember and once she found her mate and got married, she got less and less bearable. I was okay with sleeping on the couch and I was okay with the rent, but I wasn't okay with the constant badgering from her like she was my mother. I didn't need her acting my mother anymore, so I left as soon as I could and life was a little less annoying. The fact that I didn't have "my mother" (sister) nagging me about dropping out of college anymore was a lot less stressful on my already full plate.

I went into my room grabbing my towel and clothes for work and went to shower. As I looked at my hair in the mirror I realized that I was going to have to get my hair done sometime soon. After washing up I got dressed and lotioned whatever parts of my body were revealed, I know real lazy, and left the bathroom for my roommate to take three hours to get ready for the day.

I sat on my bed gathering my thoughts about how I was going to go about my day. I had to call my school to see if I could work something out so that I could be readmitted. I was going to school the Business school at Rutgers, but I failed out and missed the appeal date. I was trying to at least get into another school but it was harder than I expected. One of the stresses of my life, since I had to pay the loans back.

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