Chapter 2

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We arrive at the hospital doors  after sprinting 32 miles to get here and John meets us there. “Why are you two holding hands 😠” Donny asks. “That’s not important right now Donny! Where’s mya!” I shout at him because I don’t want him to know that I’ve been cheating just yet. We zoom upstairs in the lift to find our dog able in hospital ward 69. Me and Johannes smirk at each other when we walk through the door and I think Donny noticed because he looked at me all funny. Mya the dog is on a dog bed on the hospital bed with a drip in her arm. I am so upset to see my baby dog like this. I begin to tear up but I stop because the nurse walks in and I don’t want her or Johannes to see my feminine side just yet. “She’s not got long left I’m sorry guys” the nurse said. Donny starts crying. I pretend to cry because for some reason I am not actually upset but I don’t know why. Johannes hugs me and then it hit me that I am not Sad because if mya leaves then I can escape from Donny easier. I continue to pretend cry 😭.

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