Chapter 3

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*mya dies*
Me and Johannes get an Uber back to the training room whilst Donny does the paperwork because I don’t like doing work. When we get back to the training room we order some deliveroo until I set something out of the corner of my eye 👁 . I jump up to look out of the training room door window and OMG! I see Tilly and Nikita making out in the training room across from us. I am not shocked because it was obvs going to happen. Me and Johannes burst into their training room and they jump apart. “Omg we didn’t see you” said Tilly. “It’s ok we’re together too join the gang guys” said Johannes. We all chuckle. “Shall we have a gang bang” Nikita said in a serious tone. We all look at each other weird because that was weird. Then we laugh but Nikita looks embarazzed. “We can go for a Pizza Hut date instead Nikita?” He perks up because everyone loves Pizza Hut!
*at pizza hut*
We are sat enjoying our salad bar salads until we see Tilly’s dad gordon Ramsay walking past the window. He looks super mad and storms in “TILLY I CANT BELIEVE YOURE IN F****** PIZZA HUT🤬” he screams at Tilly. Then he notices nikitas hand on her lap. He looks more angry than an angry bird I am so terrified that I am shaking like a vending machine being shaken when it won’t give you your maltesers. Suddenly Gordon smashes his fist through the Pizza Hut window. Nikita grabs Tilly and puts her over his shoulder and legs it out of Pizza Hut. Gordon runs after him but I think Nikita will beat him because he’s super fit but not in a weird way. I only find Johannes fit.
Me and jojo pay for our salads and get a takeaway bottomless ice cream. He calls an Uber and heads back to his apartment. I don’t go with him because his apartment in kindve uggo mode and stinky and I don’t invite him to my pad because Donny could be there. I get into an uber to go back to my penthouse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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