Part 16

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(Bucky's POV)

I had finished eating and then went back up to get changed because Steve had set me up on a date with a woman named Shelly or Shirley, no, Sharon. It was Sharon, I think.

He said I needed to get out more and have fun. Does it look like I wanna have fun? No, but I just agreed because Steve and I went way back as friends and I can tell he put effort into planning it.

I made my way upto the room and swung the door open.

I walked in not acknowledging Y/N was sleeping.

I walked over to my bed and when I went to turn around, I saw her.


Sleeping peacefully on her bed.

I walked over to her bed and hovered over her, was I being a stalker... maybe.

I mean what would she do if she woke up to see this handsome face with a metal arm. Well any normal person would most likely scream. But Y/N she'd secretly have a frying pan under her pillow, pull it out and whack me.

She looked calm, sleeping, so comfortably, so naturally. Wait... what?

Do I have feelings for her?


I'm not gonna melt for some kid.


Soon I had drifted to sleep.

A flood of memories entered my mind.

I had never told anyone about this.

No one.



When I was sixteen I was rushed into hospital because I had fell down and banged my head, severely.

My parents were horrified and stayed with me all night.

However, dad had fallen asleep and when mom went to the restroom a group of men came in and began pulling my wires and tubes and then, took me.

They took me to an unknown place.

They began experimenting on me.

They were trying to form me into an assassin, they knew who I was and that gave them an advantage.

They called themself...


They were pure evil, I just didn't know it at the time.

They would send me out to murder innocent people who they obviously held great grudges against.

They used words to wipe my memory when I would start to remember my family and who I was.

I still remember them. The horror in those words still haunt me to this day, 'longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, begnign, nine, homecoming, one and freight car.' I wasn't sure if they had used the same words for everyone or just me.

I was the Shadow Soldier.

There was another soilder too, he was named the Winter Soldier, but I never saw his face and I never knew his real name. He was Hydra's top assassin, he was semt out for almost every mission.

I only remember all this because I tricked them, I tricked them and got out. I had started to regain my memory but didn't tell them or show any signs of it.

At midnight, I decided to escape, the day before I had stolen the guard's keys while he was sleeping, thank god he was sleeping.

I was wondering if I should take The Winter Soldier with me but what if his memory hadn't returned, they had been using him daily and so his memory probably got refreshed every single day.

I decided to still go find him but I couldn't find him anywhere, maybe he was on another mission but, at midnight?

I was searching Hydra's base for almost two hours, until I came to the conclusion, he's either on a mission o- wait... what if... what if he escaped too.

I decided to make it my sole purpose to find him and help him get his memory back because he was an innocent person Hydra had taken advantage of and after I'd help the rest of the innocent humans in here who were taken, experimented on and taken advantage of like me and the Winter Soilder. So I vowed to come back here someday when I'm trained, when I know how to protect myself, when I'm in a good place so I can help others feel safe in a good place.

But I decided to go back to dad's house first since my parents would probably be worried about me, it had been two years, I was eighteen now, I think.

One problem, I had no idea where dad's house was, Hydra had brought me to the middle of nowhere. And after two years mum and dad could've even moved.

I began walking around and around for a while until one week had passed since I left Hydra.

Until one day, I came across a familiar man, he looked at me like he recognized me too. The only people I could remember were my parents, noone else. I had also discovered my clothes which, in the pocket, I found a picture of my parents. That's how I remembered them.

He walked up to me.


A flash of another memory popped into my head.


The man smiled.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?".

"To your parents." he said smiling again.

Once we got there, I stepped inside and once we walked in, I saw the relieved looks on their faces, they ran to me and hugged me like if they let go I would slip away again.

I never told them about Hydra, they didn't need to know. It would only worry and anger them. Noone could know. The torture remained fresh and intact in my mind though. So instead I had them believe I went away for a while to escape everything. And they believed my lie.

End Of Flashback

Author's Note:

This chapter was kinda long. Also thank you for all the votes, follows, even views I appreciate them a lot. And I also wanted to say, after this story I have a ton of more ideas about other characters to use, hopefully you'll like them, if you have suggestions just go to the chat on my profile or put your ideas here                                      ------------------------------------>
Thanks for reading :)

Last Edited:
31st August 2022

Word Count:

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