01 - h.s. ☽ chamomile

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Its 2am and you're shifting on the bed too much.
Sighing out of frustration, you twist your body once again to face your lovely boyfriend who is sleeping peacefully, wishing you could do the same.

To your surprise, his eyes fluttered open and you began to feel guilty for causing too much noise, yet secretly grateful that he was awake.

"Oh hey did I wake you up? I'm sorry—"

"Y/n? Why are you awake..?" He whispers with a raspy voice, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't know, I cant sleep..."

Unconsciously, you start to tear up from the stress of trying to fall asleep.
He seems to notice and pulls you in for a hug, stroking your hair reassuringly— "Shh it's okay, I'm here now. Let's do this together, hmm?"

He slowly hops out of bed, gently pulling you with him.
Confused, you tilt your head but let him drag you along anyways.

Eh the kitchen? Why would he bring me here
Your thoughts get interrupted when Heeseung's arm slither around your waist as you get lifted off the ground.

Sitting you on the counter, he traps your body with his arms placed on both sides of your legs. He then uses one of his hands to turn the boiler on and gets back to you, giving you the sweetest smile.

 He then uses one of his hands to turn the boiler on and gets back to you, giving you the sweetest smile

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"...what are we doing?" A small laugh escapes your mouth.

"I'm making us chamomile." he smiles. "It always helps you sleep."

You can't help but smile at him. Why did he have to be so sweet?

The boiler stops and he lets go of the counter to pour the tea and you start humming to fill in the time, watching him stir the drink while bobbing his head up and down to your hums.

"Here you go, be careful though it's still a little hot."

You take small sips while he talks to you, both of your laughs echoing through the apartment.
Soon enough, you feel your eyelids getting heavier. I guess it's time to sleep now.


this was a really short chapter, but it felt really wholesome so i just had to post it 😭

see you in the next chapter :]

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