02 - j.w. ☽ taekwondo

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Your body jolts awake and you sit up straight, unconsciously bringing your hands up to fix your hair. Oh god did I fall asleep in class again?

Turning your head to the side, you find Jungwon snickering at the table next to you, barely holding in his laughter.

Ah, so this little rat slammed the table?

"Go away, you cactus murderer." You squinted your eyes at him before rummaging through your backpack to find your taekwondo uniform. I'm gonna be late for gym class!

Offended, he gasps and brings one hand to his chest, "It was one time! one time i forgot to water it—"

"Jungwon! Y/n! Gym time c'mon hurry up." The class president peeks through the empty classroom to call on both of you, before disappearing again.

You search through every corner of your bag to find absolutely nothing. Jungwon must have noticed because he speaks up again.

"I got an extra one, I was supposed to wear them for my lessons later but since I don't want to miss seeing you embarrass yourself out there, I'll be generous enough to lend you mine today~" He smiles sarcastically, his dimples making an appearance.

Lifting your hand up to smack his arm, you pause when recalling your plummeting grades. If you miss attendance one more time, it would surely bring your PE grade down to a 40% at least...

You lower your hand and sigh in defeat. "Fine, just hand it over."

He displays a mischievous smile before reaching deep in his bag to take out the white piece of clothing.

Y'know what, it shouldn't be that bad, we're about the same size anyways, right?

Grabbing the uniform from his hand, you both stand up at the same time, and you find yourself having to lift your head up at a 45 degree angle to meet his eyes.

Mm, maybe not.


Jungwon holds back his laughter as he sees you walking towards your friends with an awfully large uniform. The shoulder placements were way off (more of his fault for having wide ass shoulders—), causing your hands to be completely out of sight. The pants almost reaches your toes too, ultimately making you look like a hobo. Or at least that's what he thought you looked like.


He chortled once again, laughing at your picture, and making fun of you inside his head.

"Okk first up! a round between y/n and Jungwon. I'm taking this as your term test guys."

"WHAT? But Mr.Gary that's not fair! He's got more experience than I do!" You point at Jungwon, who had a huge smile plastered on his face, waving and wiggling his fingers mockingly at you. Oh if I could just punch that little—

"Y/n you're the only black belt here aside from him, I  can't pair you guys up with anyone else." He says, uninterested in her protest.


Groaning, you walk up to the centre of the court with heavy steps, followed by Jungwon, who was skipping behind you like an idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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