The housemates pt2

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Hannah shrugged in disappointment.Joanna came back in the house and said "Fine, the baby can stay but under one condition, she must keep the house clean once she's old enough."Betzy and Olivia cheered in happiness.While Hannah slipped out the front door.Hannah went to gather some food from the nearby farm, as she gather all the corn that she could, she grabbed a bundle of wheat with her.meanwhile Back at the house, Betzy started up a fire for dinner, Olivia playing with Queefella, Joanna simply chopping up the chicken that she took from the farm days ago.Hannah returned and said " I have corn and wheat, that's only what the farm had left". Joanna said "that's okay I have some chicken meat" Betzy grabbed the wheat from Hannah's hands and ran off into their broken kitchen where she making tortillas.Olivia quickly got up and grabbed the corn from Hannah, went to the fire where the pot she placed with water was boiling, she tossed the corn into the hot boiling water and waited.This was their daily routine.As this kept going till Queefella was finally 15 years old, she was already to started to keep Joanna's condition.The house was always clean, she even helped with food but one uneventful night , Queefella didn't have control over her powers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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