Brypu Cuddles

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This is a Request by selllaston2009

~No PoV~

Inpu was reading through a few books, greatful that his husband was back of course, but he still had the threats around the camp to worry about, like the Seductive Rose or Drannus or the group of people the Book of the Dead came with. Bryan decided that Inpu was going to take a break, wether he wanted to or not.

~Inpu's PoV~
Sighing, I closed another useless book, nothing talking about how you can defeat a sword forever or grt rid of a book permanently, it makes since that I can't find any books like that, but it is not what I want t-

I was taken out of my thoughts by someone hugging me from the side, I could see my husbands wings from the corner of my eye so I didn't panic, but still.

"Dear? What are you doing?" I asked, last I checked he was laying in bed going  to sleep.

"Well someone has been working to hard and needs a break"

"Sorry, but I need to find a way to destroy the Rose for good, so he can never come back"

Bryan just turned the chair I was sitting on a bit and picked me up, seeming to ignore any of my rejections and continued walking towards the bedroom.

After me pretty much just talking to myself for a few more seconds before I was put on the bed with Bryan laying down and holding me tightly.

"Inpu, I know you just want to help everyone, but you are taking a break and staying with me"

I sighed, it wasn't like I had much of a choice, he already trapped me so might aswell go ahead and sleep, besides, its been a while since I was able to sleep with Bryan without much worry. I could feel Bryan wrapping his free wing around me as I drifted to sleep peacefully for the first time since i've returned to this camp.

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