daily prophet and France!

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Harriet pov

the next day I and tom woke up early so that we could finish packing and leave London but while we were packing the stuff Hedwig came and delivered the daily prophet one last time!

                      Daily prophet

the broken treaty and Hogwarts closed!

 is the treaty broken? yes my reader the peace of treaty is broken, but what does it mean, is there going to be a war, is the girl who lived fight by our side or not!

yesterday the girl who lives Harriet Evan potter came to the ministry with the dark lord and from my sources she will not leave the dark lord side, and she seems to hate Albus Dumbledore very much! I wonder why! here is how the conversation went!

Minister: welcome Mrs potter and Mr riddle!

Harriet: so why exactly are we here for!

Albus: patient harriet!

Harriet; shut up old man!

Tom: calm down my love!

Harriet: sorry...

Minister: we called you here because we want to cancel the treaty!

Tom: excuse me what!

Harriet: and why do you want this alliance broken? 

Dumbledore: Harriet my girl you are with your enemy, he tried to kill you so many times!

Harriet: listen old man I am tired of you and your little puppet's manipulation, so I'm going to make this clear, I am tom marvelous riddle fiance soon to be his wife, and nothing is going to take him away from me! so I don't care if you cancel this treaty I'm still going to be by tom side no matter what. so stop trying! 

I have to say I was so shocked myself when I heard the girl live to say that! and her and the dark lord left: a few weeks later it was the first day for the kids to go back to school after the yule and break, and the kids came back home on that same day! saying how Harriet potter closed down the school since she is the heiress and told every kid to go home to their family and leave the country because there is a war coming! 

now one question remains where is the girl who lived and the dark lord? are they going to fight the war or leave too.

  I will inform you all when I have some news

                                                   Rita seeker

Harriet: well Dumbledore is not going to be very happy about this!

Tom: oh yeah, he is definitely going to be mad!

Harriet: that was my plan! anyway, I was wondering if I could open a bakery when we go to France since I love baking?

Tom: what about your studies?

Harriet: well if we leave we are going to have to stay low for a while, and I don't plan on staying home all day! and you are lucky because you already have a company that goes well for you!

Tom: I guess your right, then I will help you open a nice bakery!

Harriet: thank you, darling!

Tom: no problem love!


an hour later Harriet and tom were ready to leave! since it was Tom's manoir he sealed all of the access to the manoir and the only people who can open it was him and Harriet, after that they both appeared in an ally in the muggle world and took a car to the airport. an hour later they arrive at the airport and went to their private place( don't question it they are rich so why not 😌😌)!

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