new boy??

30 3 28

(A/N:wassup bitches)

general POV

whispers bounce off the walls like ball

"did you hear he's coming??"

"omg for real?"

"ok what's with all the talkin- WOAH" hannah was pulled into the janitors closet

"hey what the heck?? CAITY what's your problem"

"SHH" Hannah realized how closed they were and started to blush (started to develop the relationship because i forgot what the story was about 💀)

"hannah.. richard's coming.. to the school"

"WHAT!!" hannah screamed so loud the whole world could hear her

"SHHHHH" caity said again "right sorry.." 'what? did i just say sorry i NEVER say sorry especially to caity' hannah thought as she questioned her actions

caity and hannah start to exit the closet into the hallways

"YO HANNAH" they both heard behind them as they slowly turned around "oh hey richard .." 'it was ricky and his girlfriend nini i like her she's a nice girl just don't like my brother.' hannah thought

"soo.. uh why are you here richard.."

"well mom and dad wanted to check on you so here i am also i'll be in town for Concert name and i so happen to have 2 tickets for you and your pretty friend caity " ricky said while smirking

"well we're not interested right caity"hannah said turning down the offer

"speak for yourself tickets to see ricky bowen live? FOR FREE you know how hard it is to get tickets and yes i will take those tickets richard"

"caity come with me"



hannah and caity  go into the closest yet again

"hey what's up?"

"WTF i thought we both hated my brother" hannah said in a whisper voice

"i do hate him but not his music!!"

'ughhh' hannah thought "fine but im only going for the boys"

'oh' caity thought 

(A/N since y'all were attacking me here it's short but it's also 5 in the morning so bye)

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