rumors spread faster then the speed of light

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"hey did you hear caity totally went off on hannah"


"did you hear hannah and caity broke up??"

"wait fr?"



caity sat awkwardly it's been 15 hours 24 mins and 35 seconds since her fight with hannah and it's the only thing she can think about.

"hey your caity right?" caity raised her head up to reveal hector 

hector : junior, grades: average, looks: VERY hot popularly: high

"oh yeah" caity said as quiet as she could be

"i hear you a hannah had a lil break up and i'm here to help with the help a certain someone"  hector starts to walk away

~end of 1st period and in the bathroom~

kensie walked in the bathroom "ah so your the person he sent to give a makeover"

"a what?" caity shot her head up

"don't question it hon, i'm going to make you so hot hannah is going to begging to have you back" kensie starts to take out her makeup bag

"but me and hannah never-"

"shhh and let me work my magic"

*few minutes later*

"ohh girl you look so hot that even ricky bowen would want you"kensie says looking at her up and down

"on the topic of ricky uh he gave hannah free tickets and hannah gave the tickets to me and i have front row seats so do you want them?" caity though it was the least she could do for helping her

"you can keep them" kensie said refusing them

"uh what.."

"because we're going together!!"

A/N: this short because im lazy so bye

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