Untitled Part 1

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Soda likes Cherry

Hey, everybody. It’s me Ponyboy. I just wanted to update you all on what’s happened in the past day or two. You know that super cute Soc girl, the one with that great personality, and even better looks, with her long curly red hair? Well, she and I had a pretty good thing going yesterday when she came over to my house for help with her History assignment. We were having fun and everything until my idiotic older brother, Sodapop, had to come along and ruin it for me. Usually Sodapop is nice, understanding, but yesterday he was a full out jerk to me! The only reason he got his way was probably because of his deep blue eyes and blond hair…I envy how smooth he is with girls.

            After I had turned in my essay and told everyone about the past few weeks, I thought everything would be a whole lot better or at least go back to normal in this town, that is until yesterday night. Cherry had to make a complete four page, back and front essay on the Civil Rights Movement. If she didn’t, she would be in deep trouble at home, since she was currently flunking her History class due to a few tests that she didn’t do too well on. I agreed to help and was happy to, since I did like that part of history. I wouldn’t want Cherry to get another failing grade on this essay.  She was supposed to work on the project with this guy named Rick, but he never showed up, since he had been. I feel sort of bad for him being sick and all but I’m half glad he did so that I could spend time with Cherry.

I invited her to come over to my house at around four since I needed to clean my bedroom and to take a shower. She came over at 3:55, with a bag full of history books, pencils, and a huge stack of paper. She was always prepared, she just didn’t really like all the work that came along with it. She had a wide smile on her face as she saw me opening the door, even though it looked like she would drop her bag stuffed full of papers and perils at any second. I walked down the first few steps, took her bag in my hands, and then invited her inside the house. It was surprisingly clean for once.

            We settled down in my bedroom, with the door cracked open so Darry wouldn’t throw a fuss about me having a girl in it. I had turned on the radio, and put in a Beatles CD, since I knew her favorite band at the time was The Beatles. We sat across from each other at the table I had in the corner of my room. I couldn’t help but allow my eyes to stray away from the work, and gaze at her long, luscious hair. Anytime she looked up at me, I would get caught in her eyes, those beautiful big eyes. She really was a beautiful girl, nobody could deny that much. I did really think I was in love with her at the moment, even if she didn’t feel the same way back. It might have been just her looks that I would get caught up in or perhaps the fact she was independent and didn’t need anyone to force her to do things she didn’t want to do without putting up a fight. Plus, she didn’t care what side of town I was from or if I kept my hair nice and greasy. She still liked me for who I was, unlike most girls in general.

            I felt my cheeks get hotter. I was nervous and blushing. My heart was skipping a beat. I knew what I wanted to do and now would be the perfect time to do it. After a minute of nervously shaking my leg and clearing my throat, I looked up at Cherry and forced a small smile on my face, even though it was hard to. “C-Cherry, could I ask you a question?” I said, in a squeaky voice. She looked up from her paper, nodded, and sat up straight, waiting for me to ask.  Her hair swayed elegantly along with her motions, she looked like an angel sent from heaven above in this moment. The sun shining from the window poured in at just the right angles, making her hair glisten in the sunlight. Her eyes were sparkling over at mine.

“W-Well…I was wondering if you’d like to maybe…go on a da-“ Soda creaked open the door, stopping my talking in mid sentence, without regard if it was bothering me or not. Both Cherry and I turned to look at him. I was half glad he interrupted, so that I could wait but half mad at him for barging in and ruining my perfect chance.  Sodapop seemed to have a faint blush on his cheeks, as he saw Cherry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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