Let's play with flames

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Here I am sweeping up the glass of my recent fight with my parent why you ask because I don't want to lose weight . How the hell was I suppose to know that I out of all people was elemental wolf !!!!!

Three hours earlier .........,..,

I drove home from school with my report card and it just so happens that I had straight A's. I can't believe I'm rarely In school long enough to really get grade I'm always suspended . Why you ask?  Because they always pick on me they always call me fire girl. They are just jealous of me and my red hair.  I lit a girl on fire once. it was funny no one touched her for weeks scared that if they tried to help id light them on fire too. both my parents are wolves I am not the were so disappointed in me when the found out that I was not . I was about 5'3 and extremely curvy while most female wolves are at least 5'5 with an athletic body . my freshman year we went to the beach and we were sitting on the sand and my parents made me mad and I screamed and a lines of fire and lighting appeared from the sky and made a lot of glass vases. my parents brought them back as gifts saying that they bought them and they made me swear not to tell anyone of my gift but it was too late they already knew a kid from the pack saw me practicing when we got back and I was almost exiled for being different but alpha Andrews always looked out for me. he said he saw me as his own he protected me better then my parents did. I was 14 then now I'm 18 and I am a lot better at using my powers they say that their is a prophecy that tells of elemental wolves that come together and mate but I am not a wolf so I know that they aren't talking about me . the cool thing about the prophecy is that it states that on the 19th birthday of the fire wolf it will get its full power and then and only then will she be able to feel her mate and his great power.

Adrian's POV

I cant help but feel her I know she's out there somewhere ill find her ! Maddox sense a new power he begs me for control he is too strong to fight so I give it to him I shift into my wolf my gold fur is looks like fire when I run . I know where wee are going and if the legend is true she will be there as well

Madiie"s Pov

As I'm walking back from the odds I feel this strange burning sensation and I drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes and I scream everyone starts coming out of there houses they look at me like its something I deserve even my parent alpha Andrews tell everyone to bag way from me and that I need space . they do as he commands and suddenly everything goes black when I wake up I look at m hand s to find out that I have paws and they are like an icy blue . I try and stand up but fall then I try again I feel so different like I'm complete. then I hear it a voice . "hello Madiie I'm sarrina I'm your wolf are mate is coming ." "we have a mate ?" "yes he is an elemental as well he is an alpha " "an alpha mate wow when will he be here ?" "he just arrived" as she answered I saw this large gold wolf it was beautiful then it shifted into this very naked man he was huge in every aspect of the word he was amazing. he walked toward me a picked me up and told me to shift I didn't know how so sarrina told me to imagine my self human again and so I did and puff I was human again. The man holdng me introduced his self as alpha Adrian my mate he was very beautiful and I was getting werid shocks from him touching me. "hiya I'm Madiie its very nice to meet you" suddenly alpha Andrews steps forward " its been long time bother " Adrian replies"yes it has been far to long how are you" "I'm am great I see that you have met madiie congrats on finding your mate as well

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