Day 5⃣

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The moment where one of his hyung fall for Jeongwoo made him confuse as hell. Yoshi who already fell for the Korean making harder for Haruto to stay close with Jeongwoo since Yoshi will end up ignoring him whenever he saw Haruto walking and having a little conversation with Jeongwoo.

"Haru! Hello there?" The smart student tap his shoulder from the back.

"Who's---hey hi woo." The thought of Yoshi completely disappear out of his head once he saw the smiling Korean greeted him firstly in the morning.

"So about last night I'm truly sorry..."The younger apologize, smiled nervously.

"No it's okay really, it's fun studying with you anyway." Haruto shook his head not wanting the younger to feel sorry about his strictness towards him during last night incident.

"Oh alright, by the way we had our tutor session again for today." Jeongwoo notify him, fixing up his glasses as he bid a goodbye towards the older.

'I didn't know a boy can be this beautiful too' Jeongwoo recalling back Haruto's sweet lines as redness start creeping up to his face "Jeongwoo-sshi stop it I'm warning you!" He slaps his cheeks for several times just to get his sense back.

Today was unusual day for Jeongwoo as none of their teacher come over to teach them probably busy prepare with their upcoming examination, he look around only to notice how his classmates waste time on gossiping even watching Netflix as if they were on their own house doing useless things.

It was too loud but isn't enough to disturb Jeongwoo's review session on some highlighted topic not until one of the boy happily speak up that he got the king card which means he's fully in charge and can do anything he want.

"I'm in charge in one, two, three..."He confidently raise his voice acting like a real king if I must say "I want all of you to shut the fuck up and bring me some food"

"Yah language"

"Mind your words dude"

"Use appropriate lines only"

"Don't you have a brain to think before you talk"

Others were argued with him telling how it will effects their life in the future by using those inappropriate not until someone voice out to play the game as it used to be and without any complaint they agreed to it.

While they were playing the king game, Haruto on the other side can't take off his eyes on Jeongwoo; from the way how he sometimes bite his lower lips maybe get irritate for couldn't figure out the right answer to the way Jeongwoo smiling from ear to ear once he got the suitable solution.

"Cute." Haruto concluded gain the king's attention.

"Since I'm bored as hell let's play staring contest, interesting right?" He suggest "lemme choose the players um...Haruto and our genius Park Jeongwoo."

With no other option Jeongwoo had to follow his order since he hate being tease by them, "I'm in" The Japanese take the seat in front of him staring lovingly at Jeongwoo, some of the girls scream at the top of their lungs while giving big applause to the male players.

"Put down your glasses" with uneasy heart Jeongwoo start taking off his round glasses that made some of his classmates had their mouth half open seeing how handsome the Korean is.

Thousand shooting stars lingering in his eyes makes Haruto start taking an interest to stare at it even longer "your eyes are beautiful" he accidently murmured and Jeongwoo tried to play along by replied "you do too"

"Aigo stop flirting respect the singles please" A short hair girl teasingly said.

"Park Jeongwoo..."

The staring contest still goes on as none of them blinking their eyes yet literally don't wanna let things go smoothly.

"What it is, darling?"

The younger move forward closing the tiny gap between them.

"Let's get married" He casually purposed.

"You guys really need to stop by now or we're end up throw up witnessing your flirty moments" The called king announced that made the girls hissed in defeat "things to get interesting I don't see any reason why there's need for them to stop?"

As if it's meant for Yoshi to hear all of those right at that particular time where he happen passing through Haruto's class, jealousy filling up his uneasy heart "I'd wish they're just playing around"

Bell ring out signalling it's time for student to go back home already "Haru I'm running out time so I will go ahead first, see you at the library" Said Jeongwoo as he clumsily stumble on his own knees good thing Haruto has a great sense on rescue people as he hurriedly catch the younger by his waist from falling down to the hard floor "are you okay, love?"

Their gaze met.

"Why does it feel like we're in some kind of drama moreover you're holding me like the heroin did?" The smaller guy asked, snaked his arms around his nape.

"Can I kiss you woo?" Haruto look right into his unreadable eyes.

"It suppose to be may I kiss you---"

The Japanese softly peck the Korean plump's lips, smiling afterwards "and may I steal for another kiss too?" He once again press his lips against Jeongwoo's.

"I-I need to go." The nerdy looking guy pushing Haruto aside, detaching himself away as he run as far as he can.

Being carried away by the thought of blushing Jeongwoo, Haruto didn't notice that Yoshi were walking beside him observing his rare attitude "Haruto" but the younger just hummed as respond "don't tell me you're already develop feeling towards the nerdy guy, it just a dare and you knew it well right?"

"Of course hyung, don't worry I'm not that easy catching feeling towards stranger" He chuckles.

"Speaking of that I was um no, to be honest I like Jeongwoo in romantic way." Yoshi confess, playing with his finger.

"I know hyung, don't worry too much I'm not going to take your crush away"

"Thanks" The latter elbowed him.

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