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"Jeongwoo I'm sorry but It's true that I feel the same way as you" He look down to his feet regretting for what he had done to the younger but he don't have any choice after all "I like you a lot please don't get mad" without him knowing tears start flowing down to his cheeks.

"It hurts Haru...I didn't know that you're faking all of your efforts to get closer with me" The Korean somehow feel sorry for himself "I'd wish we're meant to be that time when you're confessing to me but I guess I got it all wrong"

Both were remained silence letting their mixed emotions take them all over but not until the smaller guy decide to break the ice between them by saying "thank you for being with me for the past few days, having you it's fun really" with that Jeongwoo start taking his steps leaving Haruto all alone in dark place.

"Please don't leave me woo..."He broke down to his knees crying his heart out, this isn't what he want in the first place.

But that's not a reason for Haruto to give in already as he tried to win the heart of Park Jeongwoo once again without having break for three days straight, call him up nonstop though the younger never picked up his phone or even sometimes send Jeongwoo a bouquet saying how much he loves and missed him.

After receive endless ignorance from the younger, one hurtful night Haruto went to free his broken self to the nearest bar and Yoshi as his company. Though he forbidden drinking alcohol but no one could stop him anyway since he's way too naughty, crying like a mad person while Yoshi on the other hand having hard time control the broken Haruto and finally a brilliant idea popped inside his head as he casually dialed Jeongwoo's number told him to come over even lying how urgent it was.

"I miss you so bad! Are you trying to kill me Park Jeongwoo?!" The taller one uncontrollably growled.

"How I wish to unseen this later." Yoshi shook his head off in disbelief.

"Are you coming back? I'm t-tired of waiting??" He whined imagine how Jeongwoo made him smile back then.

After a long of wait, the sight of Jeongwoo can be seen from afar wearing cardigan, he worriedly roaming his eyes all over the bar and eventually spotted the certain Japanese as Yoshi speak out "took you long enough to search for your drunk boyfriend ugh" He showed his obvious jealousy, rolled his eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend---"

"Stop right there and take him with you now, something comes up I gotta go." The older one cut off his words, faked a smile before completely disappear out of Jeongwoo's sight.

"Who are you? Don't you dare to hug me like this unless you're Park Jeongwoo..."Haruto tried to get off from the hold of Jeongwoo whose currently help him to get into a taxi, his vision were blur because of the dizziness.

"Stay put, Watanabe or I'm gonna leave you out here." Thankfully the Japanese did as it told zipping out his mouth until they reach at Jeongwoo's rent house.

"It was though day." He breath out as he successfully placed Haruto on his bed "He really is heavy."

The scent of alcohol filling around his room making Jeongwoo let out a hard sighed and decide to clean Haruto a bit.

Never thought it could be this uncomfortable changing someone else cloths even though he knew so well the fact that they were same gender. He shrugged off the nonsense thought and start unbutton his shirt, Haruto's well-built six packs yet probably soft enough to touch makes the Korean feel somehow blushing. Done taking off the shirt as he went to snake his hands on the older's pants, slightly pull it off in order to not wake him up and it's all finish.

Right after he finish some of his homeworks, he take up his phone and saw some random posts while lying down on his bed wherein the drunk guy fall asleep "Sleep tight" Jeongwoo manage to mutter before completely drown in his dreamland.

‼️7 days‼️||HaJeongwoo||✔️Where stories live. Discover now