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Rain's P.O.V:

Last night with Prince was amazing. I mean it was like I died and went to heaven! Hold on he's calling me!!

(Phone Convo)

Me- Hello

Prince- Hey, It's me Prince---Jacob

Me- Oh hey Prince why did u say ur first name

Prince- I'm in jail and I need ur help

Me- What happen

Prince- It was the boys again

Me- Princey why do u keep hanging out with them when u know every time you're with them u get in trouble

Prince- We have been through everything together

Me- ik and I'm not saying u can't hang out with them I'm saying be careful when ur with them

Prince- I know

Me- well how much does it cost to get u out of jail

Prince- umm....... 180,000 dollars

Me- do u have the money cause I don't

Prince- umm check in the dresser

Me- ok................ Nope nothing

Prince- then I have to stay here until u pay my bond

Me- (crying) this is why I didn't want to be with u because I knew one day u would be in jail and I can't see u

Prince- don't cry I love you now I have to go bye

Me- I love you too bye

(End of Convo)

Prince P.O.V:

Mann I really hope Rain isn't mad at me. I remember she told me if I get into trouble she would break up with me now here I am in trouble. I really hope she doesn't break up with me I love her too much!

Police- Mr. Perez

Me- Yes

Police- You have to do a year in prison if your bond isnt paid by Friday

Me- Okay

Police- Okay

Shit Mann I hope she can get the money by Friday.

Rain's P.O.V:

I really need to talk to Prince but I have to wait till tomorrow because he already used his call on me. Hold up someone is calling me.

(Phone Call Convo)

Me- Hello

???- Hello can I speak to Rain

Me- This is she

???- Hi this is Amber. Roc's girlfr--- friend. I'm Roc's friend

Me- I know u guys are dating no need to hide it

Amber- Oh okay. But that's not why I called you

Me- Then why did u call me

Amber- To talk about Princeton

Me- Okay.

Amber- Yeah Roc told me that if the bond money isn't in the police office but Friday Prince is going to prison for 1 year

Me- I don't have the money nothing close to it

Amber- me and Roc will help

I know it's short but it's going to be a short story. Do u think Princeton will get out of jail or will he go to prison?? Comment!! Vote!! Fan me!!

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