Good Morning | Part 0

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You lay in your bed, softly exhaling as you woke up. The warm beams grazed across the room, slightly blinding you. You sat up slowly, still in pain, but why? You wondered what happened to make you feel like this.

A tall woman with long, pale blue hair ducked into the room. "Amande-san!" You looked over. Her head craned to the side, "You're awake?.." You nodded your head, "Huh, I would've thought you'd be knocked out for a few more days..." She hummed softly, lighting her cigarette, "Here, Mama wants you to eat this..also drink some water." You didn't understand what was happening, "Wait- Hey! I said Wait!" Amande leaned forward to try and help you. "Eh? What's wrong now?" "At least explain to me what the hell happened before you shove food in my face!" The pale woman nodded her head and sighed. "A loud one you are..."

"Mmm...I guess that makes sense. Fine.." She sat on the large bed beside you. "Yesterday, the family was trying to take care of some family business. A trade, I guess you can say. With your family..." Her eyes glanced at you. "You were supposed to marry one of our siblings, Mama had picked out for you. Katakuri, Perospero, Cracker, Smoothie...or me. I don't wish to be married..but it's for Mama so.." Her voice began to trail off, with a soft cough she began to speak again. "Because of that, your father and brother were rather rude about the invitation. Stating he would rather have you dead than marry freaks like us. It was funny actually." You blinked, holding your head and sighing. "I don't remember any of that." "Well, it's a good thing you don't remember much." Amande softly giggled. "Now, because of the rude outburst from your father. Mama did not take too kindly to that. 'I invited you to my island, allowing you to stay here for as long as you need. Gave you food, kindness, generosity, and alliance. And this is how you pay us? I thought we had a deal?' Mama said. Your father didn't take that very well."

You looked up, your eyes filled with concern, "Well?" Amande looked down, "Well what?" "Eh-? What happened?!" Her green eyes widen a little, "Mm. There was a loud fight about it, you tried your best to stop it but ended up only getting in the way." You blinked and sat there, "But-" Amande looked back at you, "The guards tried to come in and fight off whatever force your family had, we took you aside but you fought back and ended up getting hid in the head. I'm surprised you didn't crock..." The blue-haired woman chuckled under her breath as she blew out the smoke.

"So..w-where is my family?" You questioned, Amande glared at you, "We are your family now. Because of the shit, your family has done, the bond between an alliance is off. You are with us now. Your family managed to get out in one piece, so don't worry too much about them." Your eyes widen, every thought in your head was gone. "But- I want to see-" Before you can finish the demand, there was a soft knock on the door. Perospero came in along with Cracker and Smoothie.

"Ah~ there they are!~" Cracker chirped softly, quickly running over to your side, "How are you? Do you need anything?" Amande looked over, "They're fine, step back. Give them space.." Perospero placed his swirly lollipop cane in between your bed and Cracker. The lilac-haired man glared up at the older brother. "Amande said give them space. Back. Up." Cracker adjusted himself from the floor and stood up. Smoothie looked down at Amande, "Katakuri isn't in here with you?" She asked, Amande shook her head. "No, he decided to have some bonding time with Brulee..those were her words, not Katakuri's." Cracker chuckled to himself softly. "Eheh heh! Bonding time! He should be careful! Little Flampe will be very very jealous..~" Smoothie and Amande looked over at their odd brother. You didn't understand what was happening.

"Wait, so um...what now?" You softly question the modern giants. They each looked at each other than at you. "Well, that's your choice. Do you wish to stay in bed, or perhaps wander around the castle and the courtyard?" Amande questioned, craning her head to the side. Smoothie squatted down next to you and smiled warmly, "If you feel up to it, we can have a small chat and a drink~...I'll even have something baked for you specially." Cracker clicked his tongue. "Bah!" He exclaimed, "Come with me! I'll show you the most amazing parts this island has to offer!" Perospero smiled down at you softly. Cracker clicked his tongue. "No way!" He quickly looks over at you and grabs your hand. "Hey! Don't go with them, come with me! We can run in the forest and get lost together!" Amande chuckles softly, "Was that supposed to be romantic?" "At least he's trying.." Smoothie cooed teasingly. Perospero covered his large grin with his cane, trying not to laugh at his younger brother's pathetic "shot". Cracker grunted and looked away, his cheek heating up with annoyance and embarrassment.

  You giggled softly and looked around,  "Well...I would love to go out with all of you- but um.." "No, you will not." Said a deep voice, making everyone turn. Quickly, Cracker moved away from you and straightened himself. "K-Katakuri!" Amande looked over, pulling the cigarette from her full lips. "'re late to the party." "I said I would be late...that's why I had you check on them for me. Brûlée wanted to spend time together.." The fuchsia-haired man slowly walked over to you, his boots clicking with each step he took.

Once he towered over you, he crouched down beside you. Still, much like everyone else, had a good few feet over you. His crimson eyes scanned your body, even if you were under the covers. "They were asking you if you'd go with them?" He mumbled, shooting glares at all of his siblings. "I see you haven't answered their questions, I mean." You jolted, "Uhh...yeah, no. I haven't." Katakuri closes his eyes and slowly nods. Cracker points to him. "Ah! Hey! Kata! Don't you dare use your haki! That won't be fair!...damn you for having an advantage." "Advantage..?" Katakuri questioned. "I was just breathing. Do you think I'd use my haki to try and see the decision [Y/N] would make? This isn't a game, Cracker. I'm, from what everyone says, cold...but I'm not that cold. I play fair." "Fair..?" Perospero crackles softly. "Quiet. I don't need to hear anything from you." Katakuri glared at the pale older brother. Perospero's narrowed his eyes and softly hissed to himself.

Smoothie sighs softly and looks at you, "Brothers are a pain...but hey, what's your choice! I'm sure whoever you pick, it'll be one hell of a ride..~" She smiled down at you, gently touching your hand.

"My..choice.." You blinked, slowly looking around the room at the few Charlotte siblings that were on display for you. Perospero, the eldest of all of them..slightly, or well, very sadistic. Katakuri, a man with a secret he wishes to keep. Amande, the cold and quiet sister..but can eventually open up. Well, hopefully. Cracker, a man that is very confident, arrogant even. And Smoothie; the cool, calm, and somewhat carefree younger sister.

" very hard.." you mumble to yourself. ", I-I choose.." you gulp hard and take in a deep breath, "My choice is..."

 A/N:  Hello cuties! Thank you so much for reading! I hope that you enjoyed the introduction! I will do my best to make each part better than the last! If you have a preference as to who should go first, please feel free to comment! I always appreciate hearing comments and feedback! Thank you again, I hope you stay for the ride!!

Sugarcoated | One Piece x Reader | rumbleBatWhere stories live. Discover now