(Side Chapter) Pain of Many II

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Aubrey's POV:

These days have been such a pain.

Everything has technically happened because of me.

I thought that I've closed the thing i proclaimed as an old wound and moved on from it and thought that the past would never follow me again.

I've abandoned the friends who gave my life meaning in the past.

I've changed much, I've casted my true self aside so I could fit in with my new friends.

Yet, all I did only resulted in pain.

When Sunny and Kel confronted me I was happy, but I selfishly thought that they were the ones who abandoned me and I tried to get rid of them in "my own way."

That only resulted in Sunny and Kel being injured, Sunny snapping to the point he'd use a knife.

And I didn't have enough.

I pushed Basil and nearly killed him.

After that he has shut himself in his house refusing to go out, and afterwards Sunny suicided.

Just like with Mari, I couldn't do anything but watch.

But this time the only action I've taken was the reason all of this has happened.

Why am I like this.

And I thought everyone has forgiven me and my feelings that I've casted aside once has returned.

But in the end, I lost the person I loved, in the same way I lost his sister.

I lost all of my friends again, I even started to not hangout with my new friend group because of what happened.

Life can't get any worse.

But then he came.


He took me out of the house with the help of the Hooligans.

I didn't get to thank him at all, so I've decided to bring him some pizza today because he really helped me out in these hard days.

It isn't much but that's all I can offer with my current budget sadly.

Plus I've got a job at the pizzeria which gives me a free 25% discount on all pizzas.

They're pretty cheap now.

Sometimes I wish Sunny was still here.

I could have invited him to the pizzeria daily, I could have even convinced him to work with me.

We'd play on the swings like we've always did.

We'd find what we call happiness together.

But all I did was pain him even more.

But who I blame the most is Basil.

I know these types of thoughts are too negative but, I wish I killed him that day.

All what Basil did is corrupt the memories we've all built, blurring out Mari's face in every single photo in his photo album, it was like as if he wanted Mari's death.

But he didn't have enough, he has cut Sunny with his sheers to the point Sunny lost his eye and his will to live.

If I was a living scum, Basil would the biggest scum in the earth.

I was right to hate him and bully him, only Hero and Kel were wrong.

Yet why everytime I see him I can't even think negatively of him.

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