Chapter 11-Tea With Athanasia (2)

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(hey guys so as you can see i change the names because of my friend -_- so hope you under stand guys and thank you for reading this story :>)

Athanasia POV

*whosshhhh* "My palace" he says? then could that mean...This palace that's more humble than ruby the one the emperor uses '9 year-old athanasia entered the emperor's palace because it was this close!' 

Third person POV

"Why the golden statue have a bite..?" Cynthia said as they took a glance at the golden statue... "Maybe she taugth it was a toy.." The crismon knigth said ' ARE YOU GOING TO KILL ME? AM DEAD FOR TRESPASSING?!..AM GOING TO DIE BECAUSE I LEFT A BITE ON THE GOLDEN STATUE?!??' athy thougth"She must  have wandered off during play time. felix *pass* carry her" 'huh??' "i should have some tea time with my guest let's go thia" the emperor said as he pull the girl hand with him "o-okay claude.." cynthia said as she took a glance at felix and athanasia 



Cynthia POV

i sat beside claude and the maid begin to serve are food a took a vanilla cake and ate it silenty

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i sat beside claude and the maid begin to serve are food a took a vanilla cake and ate it silenty.. 'UGHHHH IT'S SO QUITE I CAN STAND IT BRO!'  i thougth while eating a cake and when i was about to take a another bite claude spoke "I didnt know you cant speak" claude said as we both flinch 'OMFG- CLAUDE YOU BI-'  "Well this boring" claude as he lean on the couch "Erem claude i think you scare her.." i said while sipping a lippe tea "here take a bite claude" i said  as a give my cake T^T i dont have a choice because it's so akward here.. "Not much of a talker"  "athy can talk hehehe"athanasia said 'wow..her voice is so cute..TvT' i said in my mind "finally i get to hear you voice.Why you stay silent until now?" claude said as he extend his army put it in my shoulder 'HEY CLAUDE YOU-' i scream in my mind "Pardon me your majesty's but little girl's around the princess age are known to be shy." felix said

Athanasia POV

"I didnt know you cant speak" claude said as i flinch i stay silent because of this jerk  "Well this boring" claude as he lean on the couch  "Erem claude i think you scare her.." the girl said as she took a sip on her tea "here take a bite claude" she said as she give claude her cake "Not much of a talker" "athy can talk hehehe" i said  "finally i get to hear you voice.Why you stay silent until now?" claude said as he extend his army put it in the girl's shoulder i stay silent again.. "Pardon me your majesty's but little girl's around the princess age are known to be shy." Mister said "is that why thia always talk? she is annoying when she talk a lot" claude as he pull the girl closer to him "HEY I-IM NOT"the girl scream "Felix"  "Yes your majesty?"  "leave us three" 'h-huh?! w-wait mister don't leave me here! d-dont go mister!!' "athy is it must be a pet name" the jerk said TwT "!!" i flinch "Athanasia.. what a name.Do you know what's the meaning of that name?" 'this is bad..' i thougth My name is the name of the  "King" Athanasia "to dare give her own child such a name and a girl at that She would have had her limbs ripped off if she had survive the labor."

Cynthia POV

 "to dare give her own child such a name and a girl at that She would have had her limbs ripped off if she had survive the labor." claude said when i heard that i looked at claude with shooked face 'wait-he men't diana rigth..?' those word's said in my mind "Why are just there go ahead and eat" claude said and i decide to introduce my self "Hi athanasia you must be curious rigth now well I'm Cynthia Aysiel The Only daugther of the Emperor and Empress of The Aysiel Kingdom" i said while smilling to her "H-hello L-lady Cynthia"athy said while stuterring how CUTE OF HER!!! "oh dear no need to be formal just call me sister thia:)" i said and i see that athanasia is trembling she must be really scared because of claude 'CLAUDE YOU FREAKING SCARE HER!!' "..i order them them to bring out something that kid's would like.If you don't eat i dont have a choice to punish the cook" as claude said that as how she tremble and said "Thank for the food!" and then took a bite on the cake she took "claude! how dare you to scared athanasi a like that!?" i said as i hit his arm "Yummy!" 'Poor athy..' i thougth "who taugth you manners?" claude said "...Lily taugth me" athanasia said "Oh i see you are talking about Lilian York.." i said "5 years ago she stepped in front of me requeting that she be allowed to take care of you.That lady must still be with you." claude said as he continue his word "She also took charge of the ruby palace,How dare she. The only two people who survived after getting in my way were your mother and that wench." claude said 'oh claude when you will stop calling people wench huh?' i thougth *silent* "As you sit there are you aware of who i am?" claude said athanasia droped her spoon 'opp-' i said in my mind and *silent* again *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* "F-Father..?" athanasia said while staring in claude's eyes while me just starting at them enjoying the show T^T "hmm" claude humed "..Papa?..Papa!" athy said while smiling cutely 'oh god my heart "*cough cough*" i cough that get's there attention "Thia! are you okay?" claude ask  me "y-yes im fine im sure:)" i said as he nod 



We are now alone becuase athanasia need to go back and felix help her to get back in the palace..








HEY HEYYYYYYY SOOO THIS CHAPTER IS LONG T^T MY HAND'S IT'S HURTING LIKE HELL:') but hope you guys enjoy this chapter and byeeeee

Word's:1040 T^T 

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