|What's 2 Come|

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"Henry, for the last time, no. I'm not going to get a bodyguard just because someone behind a keyboard doesn't like me." Niomi huffed as she walked up the steep hill that led to her apartment building. "I'll be fine. Besides, the last thing I need is someone treating me like some damsel in distress. I'm not Cinderella - I'm a full-figured black woman whose father taught her to take care of herself."

Henry, her agent, sighed heavily on the other line. "Why must you continue to fight me on this? All I want to do is keep you safe, Niomi. You're not just a client to me, you're like the daughter I always wanted. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm not - "

"You can't promise me that. You never know what someone is capable of especially behind a computer screen." She could just hear his heart racing on the other end. "I can't, and will not, take that risk with your life. Your parents would also kill me."

Niomi let out a loud sigh. "I'll think about it."

"Well, you better think fast because I already hired one."


"He'll meet you on set today."

"Damn it, Henry! Why did you even call to ask me about it if you already made the decision to hire one without my permission?" She spat as she walked into the double doors to her apartment building.

"I thought I'd make you feel included in the decision." Was all he said.

Niomi didn't say anything for the entire time it took her to cross the lobby towards the elevators. If she could reach through the phone and strangle that old man, she would.

"You're lucky I love you or I'd strangle you old man."

He scoffed.

"Old man? I'm fourth-five. That's not old."

"It's older than me." She mumbled as she stepped onto the elevator. "Look, I'll go along with this bodyguard business for a few days, but if he starts to interfere with my everyday life, he's gone and you have to forget about this bodyguard mess."

"Alright, fine, but only if his interfering with your everyday life is deemed unnecessary and unwarranted."

"You've got yourself a deal." She spoke.

"Good. Now, where are you?"

"I just got off the elevator and about to head inside. Why?" Niomi asked as she pulled out her keys.

"I just wanted to make sure you were at least on your way home." He replied.

"Mmmhmmm. I will talk to you later, Henry."

"Alright then. Talk later."

Niomi ended the call just fore she pushed open her apartment door and walked inside.......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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