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"MOM! DAD!" I screamed.

"What now? Huh? I am sick of all nonsense. Stop dreaming and just get married already!!" Mom rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Ailee you are big enough to understand what's right and what's wrong" Dad defend his wife.

"Mom, Dad. I have a DREAM, allow me to show you what I can DO, I just graduate from high school few months ago and I am just 18." I defend myself.

"Honey, how massive your dream is It doesn't matter cause you are a GIRL, who eventually would end up being a mother just like me. Just stop dreaming and wake up." Mom sighed.

"Mom,Dad let me show you what I've got then you guys can judge me whether I am able to continue my study or not and let me bring one of my teacher so we can get a fair vote. Deal?"

"Okay, this will be your last chance to be so ridiculous and stupid for having a dream." Mom said.

"Okay, whatever you say." I smirk.

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