Chapter 01

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"Oky~~~~~ I will definitely miss you so much!!!! will you stay in New york or will you go back to Japan?" I hold her hand tight.

"Ey gurl~~ unfortunately my dad got fired from the company so I've got no choice to leave and go back to Japan" Oky said with a bit deep regrets tone.

"Ohh gurl, I will miss you so bad then... but I am thinking of going to college in Japan!!! hoping that I would get accepted and will be able to meet you again~" Ailee smile brightly.

"Ailee?" Mom called.

"Gotta go gurl~ Bye~~" I wave and approach mom.

"Mom? why are you looking for me?" Ailee gave her a sarcastic glare.

"Ailee there you are~ I want you to meet your future husband" Mom said carelessly.

"Mom!!! how many times I told you that I don't want to get married!!! I want to achieve my dream, I want to become successful and be your proud daughter where you could brag me to your friends!!" I said in a bit higher tone than usual.

"Ailee, okay as you know that from our family trees no girls go to college after graduate from high school, WHY? because, it's a waste of money eventually, you will end up becoming your husband's slave. So, don't waste your time for that." Mom gave me a good reason.

"Then if that's the point, I will be the one who change your mindset and the so called 'family tree' first girl who went to college to get degree and become a successful woman." I smiled brightly.

"Ailee, why are you so stubborn?!" Mom widen her eyes.

"Mom,cause you don't know how hard I've studied just to go to college and reach my goal." 

"Ailee stop being stubborn and follow my command."

"I am not afraid of you, mom I am defending myself for my own dream and this is my life not yours!" Ailee said and her Mom went checkmate.

Ailee rebel against her parent to achieve the goal she made. Her dream was to become a successful Psychologist Counselor. Since she always love to help people,and get their problems solved. She basically is a psychologist in her class not only because she is friendly but also she solved the problems they've been through.



"Ailee come here and sit down." Mom command.

Ailee follows her lead, she got a great scolding at her most awaited moment of life. On the day of her graduation.

"Mom, can you read my feelings?" Ailee softly asked.

"Nope, and I don't want to know how you felt." Mom carelessly said that.

"Mom, if you went for a grocery shopping and on your way back there is someone who looks hungry then you gave them food, How do you feel when you see them?" Ailee asked.

"I would feel kind of sad, and pitiful for them" Mom casually said.

"Right, so let me ask you. I have a dream becoming a Counselor a Psychologist Counselor to be specific. You think of what I felt now, Like my mom is against my own dream, MY MOM who is the most sweetest and caring mom that I've known long since baby. She goes against me and we broke our goal relationship as a daughter and a mother. Because, MY MOM doesn't want me to study more and be a successful woman who could actually save her life one day. How would you feel when you got a sudden attack from your own daughter?"

"I would feel probably empty, like why should you go to college just get married and have baby that's it." Mom said.

"Mom, I promise you that I will get married like you just said. But, after my college year." Ailee said.

"Stop it Ailee! Why in the hell world are you so stubborn." Mom pissed.

"MOM! I HATE YOU FOR NOT ALLOWING ME TO REACH MY OWN DREAM!!!!!" Ailee shout and run to her room.

After that exhausting day passed by, I locked my room and stay there. I am tired of living, why don't she believe in me. I could do better, I am their only one child. I want to work, I want to be a psychologist counselor why is it hard for them to approve my dream. It's not hard to say yes, It's not hard to just support me. Just say "good luck" is already a support showing how supportive they can be. *Deep sigh*

Hoping that the university I applied accept me, I applied to Japanese University cause I've always wanted to stay there alone without mom's nagging, dad's complainning all the time.

Today ends with a long deep sigh, Hoping tomorrow will be a brighter and happier day for me.

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