Chapter 02

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I locked my room for 3 days and never open them cause I don't want to start another fight with my parents so I decided to locked myself up.

"Ailee, come out honey let's eat you've been locking yourself 3 days already." Dad said in a convincing way.

"No, go away dad, you guys can just sell me to the so called gorgeous man that you guys adore so much" I said in a very sarcastic tone.

"Honey let's talk about your college and your future" Dad said.

"If you guys are still against me just sell me already and throw me away or maybe you guys already have a plan on killing me?" I bluntly said.

"Honey, what are you saying. We have no intention of killing you. Come on out honey, let's talk alright?" Dad convinced.

I walk towards the door and looked at my dad.

"Come on" Dad said.

I talked behind his back and gave him a death glare.

"Okay talk to me now. Maybe I have the best solution for you, and here eat up. Its your favourite chicken katsu" Dad persuasively said.

"Okay dad" I said without arguing.

"So, now tell me" dad smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure what is it honey?" Dad looked into my eyes.

"Dad, why are you and mom wanting me to hurry my wedding when I am only 18 years old, where I can still study and I can still live happily." I said while dipping the chicken katsu into the barbeque sauce.

"Honey, cause your mum is right. You are a GIRL and you will end up becoming a mother just like your mom" Dad said softly.

"Dad, I am sorry but I think your mindset is too old-minded, where people like you think that woman is not allowed to be a career woman"

"No honey that's not what I meant--" Dad's word got cut off while I was cutting the katsu.

"Dad! Stop, I hate this unimportant debating between us. If only you people understand being me. How I felt, How I wanted to make you two proud of me." I said tears are flowing to my hot cheeks.

"Honey, don't cry" Dad convinced.

"Vincent, let her be. She is stubborn and I am planning on throwing and disqualifying her from our family register" Mom said.

"June! Don't say that! She is our daughter! You stupid!" Dad shout at mom.

"Alright, mom you wanna erase me from our family register? Okay, you think I will beg you for forgiveness? Tch. As if, I will leave this house don't worry mom, Dad, thanks for eveeything and June, you may erase my name from family register" I said running to my room. Locking it again.

Dad run after me, and after he knows that I locked the damn door he try to tresspass it, he litterally break the door.

"Honey stop, don't I bet your mom is just threatening you to persue you." Dad said.

"Nope, sorry Mr. Vincent.. I have to leave now. Bye and thank you for everytjing Mr. Vincent" I greet and left the house.

June was sipping her lemonade.


"But, Vincent let's see how long will she endure running away from home" June casually sipping her lemonade.

"Idiot!" Vincent said.

I knew it this would happen, Mom and Dad nope nope, Mrs June and Mr Vincent doesn't like me, I am a burden to them, I will now work for my college year and I won't comeback forever. For now I have to go to Oky's house, she haven't go to Japan so let's do this! I cheered myself up, after my tears kept on falling nonstop.

"Oky~~" I screamed.

"Oh lord, hey Ailee, why are you outside? What's with the suitcase you are bringing with you?" Oky asked and she hugged Ailee cause Ailee's eyes were red.

"Gurl what's wrong?" Oky asked.

"I was removed by Mrs. June from our family." Ailee cried harder couldn't believe it.

They both enter the house and Oky's mother warm-welcome Ailee and her father as well.

"Auntie, Uncle can I come along to Japan with you guys?" I asked.

"Why what happened?" Oky asked.

"So basically I was having a big arguement, cause mom and dad doesn't want me to continue my study but they want me to get mareied immediately.. and I rebel against them but they couldn't accept it and mom suddenly told me that I will be erased from this family. So I am now alone with no parent.." Ailee cried harder.

"Wow that's cruel.. I didn't know June was that kind of person..." Oky's mom said couldn't believe it.

"Sir, can I come with you to Japan and live with you, I got accepted in Japanese University and it was a fully funded scholarship." Ailee begged.

"Ailee, that's okay you can come with us. But do you have money to afford buying a ticket?" Oky's dad asked.

"No sir.. I've got no money at all.."

To be continue~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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