NR - Part 27

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You, Nat and the rest of the team are all sat around discussing the Sokovia Accords. However you both have different views causing a hole in your relationship to expand.

"Guys, think about it. Imagine we really need to go on a mission, and they don't let us. Imagine if we weren't there for any of those things shown. The casualties would've been doubled if not tripled. Yes people died but we did our best to stop that. What we do will always cause issues but think about how many lives we've actually saved." You speak to the team.

"Y/N. I would've thought different from you. We always said that how we stay together is more important than how we stay together and now we have to make a choice to be there for eachother as a whole team. Instead your ignorance is showing through a a you're only thinking about yourself." Natasha, your girlfriend, speaks back.

"You've never spoken to me like this before. How many people will die before we get cleared to go?! That's a risk i'm not willing to take." You respond angrily.

"Y/N's right. We need to take a stand against this" Steve says breaking your argument.

"We need to win the public's trust back. I'm with Tony on this one" Nat shoots back.

As the team continued to squabble you decided rather than staying to argue, you get up and leave. Leaving everything behind you. Your life, Your family. Your relationship. All gone because the arguing broke you. After years of it all, you lost it and thought being alone really was your destiny.

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